Coronet of a baron – link to home pageUnited Kingdom peerage creations 1801 to 2024: a list compiled by David Beamish

Lords of Appeal in Ordinary 1876–2009

This page records 117 appointments of 112 Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, under the Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876 and subsequent legislative provisions, from 1876 to 2009. A note on the history of the relevant legislation is on a separate page. Most appointments involve the creation of a life peerage, and the titles are hyperlinked to the main chronological list of peerage creations. Fourteen appointments (including the five re-appointments) were of men already created peers; in those cases the appointment date appears on a grey background and titles are hyperlinked to the earlier creation. (Conveniently for the purposes of this list, there were no appointments of hereditary peers by succession, though Lord Oaksey subsequently succeeded to the barony of Trevethin.)

Dates of appointment (in the left-hand column) are hyperlinked to announcements in the online version of the London Gazette (hyperlinks updated April 2014 to link to the new Gazette website).

Dates of resignation are recorded. Until the coming into force of the Judicial Pensions Act 1959, each pension awarded was the subject of letters patent, normally announced in the London Gazette. The dates are given in the form "Pension from ..." and hyperlinked to the announcement in the online version of the London Gazette (hyperlinks updated April 2014 to link to the new Gazette website). Note that these dates are always the first day of retirement. The dates given for subsequent resignations are believed to be those of the last day of service in most cases. For resignation dates not gazetted up to 1987 I gratefully acknowledge my reliance on Sir John Sainty's The Judges of England 1272-1990 (The Selden Society, 1993)

The following standard abbreviations are used for judicial offices:

JJustice of the High Court
LCJLord Chief Justice of England
LCJ(NI)  Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland
LJLord Justice or Lady Justice
MRMaster of the Rolls

In consequence of the coming into force of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, there are no longer any Lords of Appeal in Ordinary after September 2009. On 1 October 2009 the serving Lords of Appeal became Justices of the Supreme Court, apart from Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, who became Master of the Rolls, succeeding Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, who became a Justice of the Supreme Court.

16 Oct 1876L. Blackburn – Sir Colin Blackburn J(QB). Resigned 6 Jan 1887. Died 8 Jan 1896.
17 Oct 1876L. Gordon of Drumearn – Edward Strathearn Gordon QC, MP, Lord Advocate. Died 21 Aug 1879.
28 April 1880L. Watson – William Watson, Lord Advocate. Vice L. Gordon of Drumearn deceased. Died 14 Sep 1899.
23 June 1882L. FitzGerald – John David FitzGerald J(QB(I)). Died 16 Oct 1889.
25 Jan 1887L. Macnaghten – Edward Macnaghten QC MP. Vice L. Blackburn resigned. Died 17 Feb 1913.
5 Dec 1889L. Morris – Sir Michael Morris Bart LCJ(I). Vice L. Fitzgerald deceased. Pension from 10 May 1900. Created L. Killanin (hereditary) 15 June 1900. Died 8 Sep 1901.
28 Jan 1891L. Hannen – Sir James Hannen, President of the Probate, Divorce & Admiralty Division. Resigned 15 Aug 1893. Died 29 March 1894.
23 Sep 1893L. Bowen – Sir Charles Synge Christopher Bowen LJ. Vice L. Hannen resigned. Died 10 April 1894.
7 May 1894L. Russell of Killowen – Sir Charles Russell, Attorney-General. Vice L. Bowen deceased. Appointed LCJ 3 July 1894. Died 10 Aug 1900.
13 Aug 1894L. Davey – Horace Davey. Vice L. Russell of Killowen resigned. Died 20 Feb 1907.
14 Nov 1899L. Robertson – James Patrick Bannerman Robertson. Vice L. Watson deceased. Died 2 Feb 1909.
10 May 1900L. Lindley – Nathaniel Lindley. Vice L. Morris resigned. Pension from 2 Dec 1905. Died 9 Dec 1921.
19 Dec 1905L. Atkinson – John Atkinson. Vice L. Lindley resigned. Pension from 5 Feb 1928. Died 13 March 1932.
6 March 1907L. Collins – Richard Henn Collins. Vice L. Davey deceased. Pension from 7 Oct 1910. Died 3 Jan 1911.
20 Feb 1909L. Shaw – Thomas Shaw. Vice L. Robertson deceased. Pension from 24 April 1929. Created L. Craigmyle (hereditary) 7 May 1929. Died 28 June 1937.
7 Oct 1910L. Robson – William Snowdon Robson. Vice L. Collins resigned. Pension from 1 Aug 1912. Died 11 Sep 1918.
1 Oct 1912L. Moulton – John Fletcher Moulton. Vice L. Robson resigned. Died 9 March 1921.
4 March 1913L. Parker of Waddington – Robert John Parker J. Vice L. Macnaghten deceased. Died 12 July 1918.
14 Oct 1913L. Dunedin – Andrew Graham Murray (created a Baron 9 March 1905). Created V. Dunedin 17 Feb 1926. Pension from 6 April 1932. Died 21 Aug 1942.
20 Oct 1913L. Sumner – John Andrew Hamilton. Created V. Sumner 31 Jan 1927. Pension from 27 Jan 1930. Died 24 May 1934.
15 Jan 1919V. Cave – George Cave (created a Viscount 14 Nov 1918). Appointed Lord Chancellor 24 Oct 1922. Died 29 March 1928.
1 June 1921L. Carson of Duncairn in the County of Antrim – Edward Henry Carson. Vice L. Moulton deceased. Pension from 1 Nov 1929. Died 22 Oct 1935.
12 Oct 1923L. Blanesburgh – Robert Younger LJ. Vice V. Cave, appointed Lord Chancellor. Pension from 27 April 1937. Died 17 Aug 1946.
6 Feb 1928L. Atkin – James Richard Atkin LJ. Vice L. Atkinson resigned. Died 25 June 1944.
11 Feb 1929L. Tomlin – Thomas James Chesshyre Tomlin J. Died 12 Aug 1935.
1 May 1929L. Thankerton – William Watson, Lord Advocate (son of L. Watson). Vice L. Shaw resigned. Died 13 June 1948.
18 Nov 1929L. Russell of Killowen – Frank Russell LJ (son of 1st L. Russell of Killowen). Vice L. Carson resigned. Pension from 6 Jan 1946. Died 20 Dec 1946.
3 Feb 1930L. Macmillan – Hugh Pattison Macmillan, Lord Advocate. Vice V. Sumner resigned. Resigned 5 Sep 1939 on appointment as a Government minister. Reappointed 18 July 1941 (vice V. Maugham resigned). Pension from 6 Jan 1947. Died 5 Sep 1952.
11 April 1932L. Wright – Robert Alderson Wright J. Vice V. Dunedin resigned. Appointed MR 7 Oct 1935. Reappointed 27 April 1937. Pension from 6 April 1947. Died 27 June 1964.
7 Oct 1935L. Maugham – Frederic Herbert Maugham LJ. Vice L. Tomlinson deceased. Appointed Lord Chancellor 9 March 1938. Created V. Maugham 22 Sep 1939. Reappointed 5 Oct 1939. Resigned by 18 July 1941. Died 23 March 1958.
14 Oct 1935L. Roche – Alexander Adair Roche LJ. Vice L. Wright appointed MR. Pension from 5 Jan 1938. Died 22 Dec 1956.
27 April 1937L. Wright – Robert Alderson Wright MR. Reappointment: see above (11 April 1932).
5 Jan 1938L. Romer – Mark Lemon Romer LJ. Vice L. Roche resigned. Pension from 6 April 1944. Died 19 Aug 1944.
28 March 1938L. Porter – Samuel Lowry Porter J. Vice L. Maugham, appointed Lord Chancellor. Pension from 14 Oct 1954. Died 13 Feb 1956.
5 Oct 1939V. Maugham – Frederic Herbert Maugham. Reappointment: see above (7 Oct 1935).
18 July 1941L. Macmillan – Hugh Pattison Macmillan. Reappointment: see above (3 Feb 1930).
18 April 1944L. Simonds – Gavin Turnbull Simonds J. Vice L. Romer resigned. Appointed Lord Chancellor 30 Oct 1951. Created L. Simonds (hereditary) 24 June 1952. Created V. Simonds 18 Oct 1954. Reappointed 19 Oct 1954 (vice L. Porter resigned). Pension from 1 April 1962. Died 28 June 1971.
19 July 1944L. Goddard – Rayner Goddard LJ. Vice L. Atkin deceased. Appointed LCJ 1946. Died 29 May 1971.
9 Jan 1946L. Uthwatt – Augustus Andrewes Uthwatt J. Vice L. Russell of Killowen resigned. Died 24 April 1949.
5 Feb 1946L. du Parcq – Herbert du Parcq LJ. Vice L. Goddard appointed LCJ. Died 27 April 1949.
6 Jan 1947L. Normand – Wilfrid Guild Normand, Lord Justice General of Scotland. Vice L. Macmillan resigned. Pension from 6 Oct 1953. Died 5 Oct 1962.
15 April 1947L. Oaksey – Geoffrey Lawrence LJ (created a Baron 13 Jan 1947). Pension from 6 April 1957. Succeeded as 3rd L. Trevethin 25 June 1959. Died 28 Aug 1971.
18 April 1947L. Morton of Henryton – Fergus Dunlop Morton LJ. Pension from 6 April 1959. Died 18 July 1973.
23 April 1947L. MacDermott – John Clarke MacDermott J(NI). Vice L. Wright resigned. Appointed LCJ(NI) 6 April 1951. Died 13 July 1979.
6 Oct 1948L. Reid – James Scott Cumberland Reid KC. Vice L. Thankerton deceased. Resigned 10 Jan 1975. Died 29 March 1975.
1 June 1949L. Greene – Wilfred Arthur Greene MR (created a Baron 16 July 1941). Pension from 6 May 1950. Died 16 April 1952.
1 June 1949L. Radcliffe – Cyril John Radcliffe KC. Vice L. du Parcq deceased. Created V. Radcliffe 11 July 1962. Pension from 1 Oct 1964. Died 1 April 1977.
29 Sep 1950L. Tucker – Frederick James Tucker LJ. Vice L. Greene resigned. Pension from 6 Oct 1961. Died 17 Nov 1975.
23 April 1951L. Asquith of Bishopstone – Cyril Asquith LJ. Vice L. MacDermott appointed LCJ of NI. Died 24 Aug 1954.
12 Nov 1951L. Cohen – Lionel Leonard Cohen LJ. Vice L. Simonds appointed Lord Chancellor. Pension from 1 Oct 1960. Died 9 May 1973.
4 Nov 1953L. Keith of Avonholm – James Keith, Senator of the College of Justice. Vice L. Normand resigned. Died 29 June 1964.
4 Oct 1954L. Somervell of Harrow – Donald Bradley Somervell LJ. Vice L. Asquith of Bishopstone deceased. Pension from 6 Jan 1960. Died 18 Nov 1960.
19 Oct 1954V. Simonds – Gavin Turnbull Simonds. Reappointment: see above (18 April 1944).
24 April 1957L. Denning – Alfred Thompson Denning LJ. Vice L. Oaksey resigned. Appointed MR 19 April 1962. Died 5 March 1999.
6 April 1959L. Jenkins – David Llewelyn Jenkins LJ. Vice L. Morton of Henryton resigned. Pension from 17 Nov 1963. Died 21 July 1969.
7 Jan 1960L. Morris of Borth-y-Gest – John William Morris LJ. Vice L. Somervell of Harrow resigned. Resigned 10 Jan 1975. Died 9 June 1979.
1 Oct 1960L. Hodson – Francis Lord Charlton Hodson LJ. Vice L. Cohen resigned. Resigned 8 April 1971. Died 11 March 1984.
20 Jan 1961L. Guest – Christopher William Graham Guest, Senator of the College of Justice. Vice L. Keith of Avonholm resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1971. Died 25 Sep 1984.
11 Oct 1961L. Devlin – Patrick Arthur Devlin LJ. Vice L. Tucker resigned. Pension from 11 Jan 1964. Died 9 Aug 1992.
19 April 1962L. Evershed – Francis Raymond Evershed MR (created a hereditary Baron 20 Jan 1956). Pension from 11 Jan 1965. Died 3 Oct 1966.
19 April 1962L. Pearce – Edward Holroyd Pearce LJ. Vice L. Denning appointed MR. Resigned 2 June 1969. Died 26 Nov 1990.
26 Nov 1963L. Upjohn – Gerald Ritchie Upjohn LJ. Vice L. Jenkins resigned. Died 27 Jan 1971.
11 Jan 1964L. Donovan – Terence Norbert Donovan LJ. Vice L. Devlin resigned. Died 12 Dec 1971.
1 Oct 1964L. Wilberforce – Richard Orme Wilberforce J. Vice V. Radcliffe resigned. Resigned 10 March 1982. Died 15 Feb 2003.
18 Feb 1965L. Pearson – Colin Hargreaves Pearson LJ. Vice L. Evershed resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1974. Died 31 Jan 1980.
30 Sep 1968L. Diplock – William John Kenneth Diplock LJ. Died 14 Oct 1985.
9 June 1969V. Dilhorne – Reginald Edward Manningham-Buller, former Lord Chancellor (created L. Dilhorne 17 July 1962, V. Dilhorne 7 Dec 1964). Vice L. Pearce resigned. Resigned 1 Aug 1980. Died 7 Sep 1980.
12 March 1971L. Cross of Chelsea – Arthur Geoffrey Neale Cross LJ. Vice L. Upjohn deceased. Resigned 30 Sep 1975. Died 4 Aug 1989.
19 April 1971L. Simon of Glaisdale – Jocelyn Edward Salis Simon, President of the Family Division (created a Baron under the Life Peerages Act 1958 5 Feb 1971). Resigned 30 Sep 1977. Died 7 May 2006.
4 Oct 1971L. Kilbrandon – Charles James Dalrymple Shaw Senator of the College of Justice (under the title Lord Kilbrandon). Vice L. Guest resigned. Resigned 31 Dec 1976. Died 10 Sep 1989.
10 Jan 1972L. Salmon – Cyril Barnet Salmon LJ. Vice L. Donovan deceased. Resigned 30 Sep 1980. Died 7 Nov 1991.
1 Oct 1974L. Edmund-Davies – Herbert Edmund Davies LJ. Resigned 30 Sep 1981. Died 27 Dec 1992.
13 Jan 1975L. Fraser of Tullybelton – Walter Ian Reid Fraser, Senator of the College of Justice. Vice L. Reid resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1985. Died 17 Feb 1989.
30 Sep 1975L. Russell of Killowen – Charles Ritchie Russell LJ (son of 2nd L. Russell of Killowen). Vice L. Cross of Chelsea resigned. Resigned 27 June 1982. Died 23 June 1986.
10 Jan 1977L. Keith of Kinkel – Henry Shanks Keith, Senator of the College of Justice (son of L. Keith of Avonholm). Vice L. Kilbrandon resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1996. Died 21 June 2002.
30 Sep 1977L. Scarman – Leslie George Scarman LJ. Vice L. Simon of Glaisdale resigned. Resigned 12 Jan 1986. Died 8 Dec 2004.
28 Sep 1979L. Lane – Geoffrey Dawson Lane LJ. Appointed LCJ 15 April 1980. Died 21 Aug 2005.
15 April 1980L. Roskill – Eustace Wentworth Roskill LJ. Vice L. Lane appointed LCJ. Resigned 12 Jan 1986. Died 4 Oct 1996.
29 Sep 1980L. Bridge of Harwich – Nigel Cyprian Bridge LJ. Vice V. Dilhorne resigned & since deceased. Resigned 26 Feb 1992. Died 20 Nov 2007.
24 Sep 1981L. Brandon of Oakbrook – Henry Vivian Brandon LJ. Vice L. Edmund-Davies resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1991. Died 24 March 1999.
12 March 1982L. Brightman – John Anson Brightman LJ. Vice L. Wilberforce resigned. Resigned 19 June 1986. Died 6 Feb 2006.
30 Sep 1982L. Templeman – Sydney William Templeman LJ. Vice L. Russell of Killowen resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1994. Died 4 June 2014.
23 May 1985L. Griffiths – William Hugh Griffiths LJ. Resigned 30 Sep 1993. Died 30 May 2015.
1 Oct 1985L. Mackay of Clashfern – James Peter Hymers Mackay, Senator of the College of Justice (created a Baron under the Life Peerages Act 1958 6 July 1979). Vice L. Fraser of Tullybelton resigned. Appointed Lord Chancellor 28 Oct 1987. Retired from the House of Lords 22 July 2022.
30 Jan 1986L. Ackner – Desmond James Conrad Ackner LJ. Resigned 30 Sep 1992. Died 21 March 2006.
31 Jan 1986L. Oliver of Aylmerton – Peter Raymond Oliver LJ. Resigned 31 Dec 1991. Died 17 Oct 2007.
6 Feb 1986L. Goff of Chieveley – Robert Lionel Archibald Goff LJ. Resigned 30 Sep 1998. Died 14 Aug 2016.
9 Feb 1988L. Jauncey of Tullichettle – Charles Eliot Jauncey, Senator of the College of Justice. Vice L. Mackay of Clashfern appointed Lord Chancellor. Resigned 30 Sep 1996. Died 18 July 2007.
5 Aug 1988L. Lowry – Robert Lynd Erskine Lowry LCJ(NI). Resigned 7 Jan 1994. Died 15 Jan 1999.
1 Oct 1991L. Browne-Wilkinson – Nicolas Christopher Henry Browne-Wilkinson LJ. Vice L. Brandon of Oakbrook resigned. Resigned 5 June 2000. Retired from the House of Lords 1 March 2016. Died 25 July 2018.
10 Jan 1992L. Mustill – Michael John Mustill LJ. Vice L. Oliver of Aylmerton resigned. Resigned 21 March 1997. Died 24 April 2015.
11 March 1992L. Slynn of Hadley – Gordon Slynn LJ. Vice L. Bridge of Harwich resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 2002. Died 7 April 2009.
1 Oct 1992L. Woolf – Harry Kenneth Woolf LJ. Vice L. Ackner resigned. Appointed MR 4 June 1996, LCJ 6 June 2000 to 30 Sep 2008.
1 Oct 1993L. Lloyd of Berwick – Anthony John Leslie Lloyd LJ. Vice L. Griffiths resigned. Resigned 31 Dec 1998. Retired from the House of Lords 27 March 2015.
11 Jan 1994L. Nolan – Michael Patrick Nolan LJ. Vice L. Lowry resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 1998. Died 22 Jan 2007.
3 Oct 1994L. Nicholls of Birkenhead – Donald James Nicholls LJ. Vice L. Templeman resigned. Resigned 10 Jan 2007. Retired from the House of Lords 3 April 2017. Died 25 Sep 2019.
11 Jan 1995L. Steyn – Johan van Zyl Steyn LJ. Resigned 1 Oct 2005. Died 28 Nov 2017.
21 Feb 1995L. Hoffmann – Leonard Hubert Hoffmann LJ. Resigned 20 April 2009.
1 Oct 1996 (a.m.)L. Clyde – James John Clyde, Senator of the College of Justice. Vice L. Jauncey of Tullichettle resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 2001. Died 6 March 2009.
1 Oct 1996L. Hope of Craighead – James Arthur David Hope, Lord Justice General of Scotland (created a Baron under the Life Peerages Act 1958 28 Feb 1995). Vice L. Keith of Kinkel resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 24 June 2013.
6 Jan 1997L. Hutton – James Brian Edward Hutton LCJ(NI). Vice L. Woolf appointed MR. Resigned 11 Jan 2004. Retired from the House of Lords 23 April 2018. Died 14 July 2020.
28 July 1997L. Saville of Newdigate – Mark Oliver Saville LJ. Vice L. Mustill resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 30 Sep 2010. Retired from the House of Lords 20 June 2024.
1 Oct 1998 (a.m.)L. Hobhouse of Woodborough – John Stewart Hobhouse LJ. Vice L. Goff of Chieveley resigned. Resigned 11 Jan 2004. Died 15 March 2004.
1 Oct 1998 (p.m.)L. Millett – Peter Julian Millett LJ. Vice L. Nolan resigned. Resigned 11 Jan 2004. Retired from the House of Lords 4 May 2017. Died 27 May 2021.
12 Jan 1999L. Phillips of Worth Matravers – Nicholas Addison Phillips LJ. Vice L. Lloyd of Berwick resigned. Appointed MR 6 June 2000, LCJ 3 Oct 2005. Reappointed 1 Oct 2008. President of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 30 September 2012.
6 June 2000L. Bingham of Cornhill – Thomas Henry Bingham LCJ (created a Baron under the Life Peerages Act 1958 4 June 1996).Vice L. Browne-Wilkinson resigned. Resigned 30 Sep 2008. Died 11 Sep 2010.
17 July 2000L. Scott of Foscote – Richard Rashleigh Folliott Scott, Vice-Chancellor. Vice L. Phillips of Worth Matravers appointed MR. Resigned 30 Sep 2009. Retired from the House of Lords 21 Dec 2016.
1 Oct 2001L. Rodger of Earlsferry – Alan Ferguson Rodger, Lord Justice General of Scotland (created a Baron under the Life Peerages Act 1958 29 April 1992). Vice L. Clyde resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009. Died 26 June 2011.
1 Oct 2002L. Walker of Gestingthorpe – Robert Walker LJ. Vice L. Slynn of Hadley resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 17 March 2013. Retired from the House of Lords 17 March 2021. Died 16 Nov 2023.
12 Jan 2004 (a.m.)B. Hale of Richmond – Brenda Marjorie Hale LJ. Vice L. Millett resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009, Deputy President from 8 July 2013, President from 5 Sep 2017 to 10 Jan 2020.
12 Jan 2004 (p.m.)L. Carswell – Robert Douglas Carswell LCJ(NI). Vice L. Hutton resigned. Resigned 28 June 2009. Retired from the House of Lords 29 Oct 2019. Died 4 May 2023.
13 Jan 2004L. Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood – Simon Denis Brown LJ. Vice L. Hobhouse of Woodborough resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 8 April 2012. Retired from the House of Lords 19 June 2023. Died 7 July 2023.
3 Oct 2005L. Mance – Jonathan Hugh Mance LJ. Vice L. Steyn resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009. Deputy President from 26 Sep 2017 to 6 June 2018.
11 Jan 2007L. Neuberger of Abbotsbury – David Edmond Neuberger LJ. Vice L. Nicholls of Birkenhead resigned. Appointed MR 1 Oct 2009, President of the Supreme Court 1 Oct 2012 to 4 Sep 2017.
1 Oct 2008L. Phillips of Worth Matravers – Nicholas Addison Phillips LCJ. Vice L. Bingham of Cornhill resigned. Reappointment: see above (12 Jan 1999).
21 April 2009L. Collins of Mapesbury – Lawrence Antony Collins LJ. Vice L. Hoffmann resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 7 May 2011.
29 June 2009L. Kerr of Tonaghmore – Brian Francis Kerr LCJ(NI). Vice L. Carswell resigned. Justice of the Supreme Court from 1 Oct 2009 to 30 Sep 2020. Died 1 Dec 2020.

Last updated: 4 July 2024.

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