Coronet of a baron - link to home pageUnited Kingdom peerage creations 1801 to 2024: a list compiled by David Beamish

Chronological list 1901–1950

The colour code used on this page is shown in the List of administrations.

11 Feb 1901 (P)E. Roberts of Kandahar in Afghanistan and Pretoria in the Transvaal Colony, and of the City of Waterford (& V. St Pierre) (special remainder) – Frederick Sleigh Roberts (1st L. Roberts of Kandahar) (died 14 Nov 1914, extinct(3) 21 Feb 1955)
3 June 1901 (H)L. Milner of St James’s in the County of London and of Capetwon in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope – Alfred Milner (extinct(1) 13 May 1925)
6 Aug 1901 (P)E. of Cromer in the County of Norfolk (& V. Errington of Hexham in the County of Northumberland) – Evelyn Baring (1st V. Cromer) (died 29 Jan 1917)
9 Nov 1901 (P)P. of Wales (& E. of Chester) – George Frederick Ernest Albert (D. of Cornwall and York) (merged in Crown 6 May 1910)
11 July 1902 (P)V. Kitchener of Khartoum and of the Vaal in the Colony of Transvaal, and of Aspall in the County of Suffolk (special remainder) – Horatio Herbert Kitchener (1st L. Kitchener of Khartoum) (died 5 June 1916, extinct(3) 16 Dec 2011)
12 July 1902 (P)V. Colville of Culross in the County of Perth – Charles John Colville (1st L. Colville of Culross) (died 1 July 1903)
14 July 1902 (P)V. Churchill of Rolleston in the County of Leicester – Victor Albert Francis Charles Spencer (3rd L. Churchill) (died 3 Jan 1934, extinct(3) 18 Oct 2017)
15 July 1902 (P)V. Milner of Saint James’s in the County of London and of Cape Town in the Cape Colony – Alfred Milner (1st L. Milner) (extinct(1) 13 May 1925)
15 July 1902 (H)L. Kinross of Glasclune in the County of Haddington – John Blair Balfour (died 22 Jan 1905)
16 July 1902 (H)L. Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth (died 20 Dec 1939)
17 July 1902 (H)L. Allerton of Chapel Allerton, Leeds, in the West Riding of the County of York – William Lawies Jackson (died 4 April 1917, extinct(3) 1 July 1991)
18 July 1902 (H)L. Barrymore of Barrymore in the County of Cork – Arthur Hugh Smith-Barry (extinct(1) 22 Feb 1925)
19 July 1902 (H)L. Grenfell of Kilvey in the County of Glamorgan – Francis Wallace Grenfell (died 27 Jan 1925)
21 July 1902 (H)L. Knollys of Caversham in the County of Oxford – Francis Knollys (died 15 Aug 1924)
22 July 1902 (H)L. Redesdale of Redesdale in the County of Northumberland – Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford (died 17 Aug 1916)
27 Oct 1902 (P)M. of Linlithgow in the County of Linlithgow or West Lothian – John Adrian Louis Hope (7th E. of Hopetoun (S)) (died 29 Feb 1908)
31 July 1903 (H)L. Burnham of Hall Barn in the parish of Beaconsfield in the County of Buckingham – Edward Levy-Lawson (died 9 Jan 1916)
1 Aug 1903 (H)L. Biddulph of Ledbury in the County of Hereford – Michael Biddulph (died 6 April 1923)
3 Aug 1903 (H)L. Estcourt of Estcourt in the parish of Shipton Moyne in the County of Gloucester and of Darrington in the West Riding of the County of York – George Thomas John Sotheron-Estcourt (extinct(1) 12 Jan 1915)
4 Aug 1903 (H)L. Armstrong of Bamburgh and Cragside in the County of Northumberland – William Henry Armstrong Fitzpatrick Watson-Armstrong (died 16 Oct 1941, extinct(3) 1 Oct 1987)
23 Feb 1905 (H)L. St Helier of St Helier in the Island of Jersey and of Arlington Manor in the County of Berks – Francis Henry Jeune (extinct(1) 9 April 1905)
9 March 1905 (H)L. Dunedin of Stenton in the County of Perth – Andrew Graham Murray (extinct(1) 21 Aug 1942)
6 July 1905 (H)V. Selby of the City of Carlisle – William Court Gully (died 6 Nov 1909)
18 Dec 1905 (P)E. of Plymouth in the County of Devon (& V. Windsor of Saint Fagans in the County of Glamorgan) – Robert George Windsor-Clive (14th L. Windsor) (died 6 March 1923)
18 Dec 1905 (P)V. Iveagh of Iveagh in the County of Down – Edward Cecil Guinness (1st L. Iveagh) (died 7 Oct 1927)
18 Dec 1905 (H)L. Leith of Fyvie of Fyvie in the County of Aberdeen – Alexander John Forbes-Leith (extinct(1) 14 Nov 1925)
19 Dec 1905 (H)V. Althorp of Great Brington in the County of Northampton – Charles Robert Spencer (died 26 Sep 1922)
19 Dec 1905 (A)L. Atkinson of Glenwilliam in the County of Limerick – John Atkinson (died 13 March 1932)
20 Dec 1905 (H)L. Sanderson of Armthorpe in the County of York – Thomas Henry Sanderson (extinct(1) 21 March 1923)
22 Dec 1905 (P)E. of Liverpool (& V. Hawkesbury of Kirkham in the County of York and of Mansfield in the County of Nottingham) – Cecil George Savile Foljambe (1st L. Hawkesbury) (died 23 March 1907)
22 Dec 1905 (H)L. Ritchie of Dundee of Welders in the parish of Chalfont St Giles in the County of Buckingham – Charles Thomson Ritchie (died 9 Jan 1906)
23 Dec 1905 (H)L. Waleran of Uffcalme in the County of Devon – William Hood Walrond (died 17 May 1925, extinct(2) 4 April 1966)
26 Dec 1905 (H)L. Knaresborough of Kirby Hall in the County of York – Henry Meysey Meysey-Thompson (extinct(1) 3 March 1929)
27 Dec 1905 (H)L. Northcliffe of the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent – Alfred Charles William Harmsworth (extinct(1) 14 Aug 1922)
28 Dec 1905 (P)V. Tredegar of Tredegar in the County of Monmouth – Godfrey Charles Morgan (2nd L. Tredegar) (extinct(1) 11 March 1913)
28 Dec 1905 (H)L. Michelham of Hellingly in the County of Sussex – Herbert Stern (died 7 Jan 1919, extinct(2) 29 March 1984)
29 Dec 1905 (H)L. Faber of Butterwick in the County of Lincoln – Edmund Beckett Faber (extinct(1) 17 Sep 1920)
30 Dec 1905 (H)L. Desborough of Taplow in the County of Buckingham – William Henry Grenfell (extinct(1) 9 Jan 1945)
6 Jan 1906 (H)V. St Aldwyn of Coln St Aldwyn in the County of Gloucester – Michael Edward Hicks-Beach (died 30 April 1916)
8 Jan 1906 (H)L. Loreburn of Dumfries in the County of Dumfries – Robert Threshie Reid (extinct(1) 30 Nov 1923)
9 Jan 1906 (H)L. Fitzmaurice of Leigh in the County of Wilts – Edmond George Petty Fitzmaurice (extinct(1) 21 June 1935)
10 Jan 1906 (H)L. Weardale of Stanhope in the County of Durham – Philip James Stanhope (extinct(1) 1 March 1923)
11 Jan 1906 (H)L. Haversham of Bracknell in the County of Berks – Arthur Dyvett Hayter (extinct(1) 10 May 1917)
12 Jan 1906 (H)L. Hemphill of Rathkenny and of Cashell in the County of Tipperary – Charles Hare Hemphill (died 4 March 1908)
13 Jan 1906 (H)L. Joicey of Chester-le-Street in the County of Durham – James Joicey (died 21 Nov 1936)
16 Jan 1906 (H)L. Nunburnholme of the city of Kingston upon Hull – Charles Henry Wilson (died 27 Oct 1907)
1 Feb 1906 (H)L. Winterstoke of Blagdon in the County of Somerset – William Henry Wills (extinct(1) 29 Jan 1911)
20 Feb 1906 (H)L. Colebrooke of Stebunheath in the County of Middlesex – Edward Arthur Colebrooke (extinct(1) 28 Feb 1939)
14 July 1906 (H)L. Courtney of Penwith in the County of Cornwall – Leonard Henry Courtney (extinct(1) 11 May 1918)
16 July 1906 (H)L. Eversley of Old Ford in the County of London – George John Shaw-Lefevre (extinct(1) 19 April 1928)
17 July 1906 (H)L. Pirrie of the City of Belfast – William James Pirrie (extinct(1) 6 June 1924)
18 July 1906 (H)L. Glantawe of Swansea in the County of Glamorgan – John Jones Jenkins (extinct(1) 27 July 1915)
19 July 1906 (H)L. Armitstead of Castlehill in the City of Dundee – George Armitstead (extinct(1) 7 Dec 1915)
20 July 1906 (H)L. Allendale of Allendale and Hexham in the County of Northumberland – Wentworth Blackett Beaumont (died 13 Feb 1907)
6 March 1907 (A)L. Collins of Kensington in the County of London – Richard Henn Collins (died 3 Jan 1911)
17 July 1907 (H)L. Airedale of Gledhow in the West Riding of the County of York – James Kitson (died 16 March 1911, extinct(4) 19 March 1996)
18 July 1907 (H)L. Swaythling of Swaythling in the County of Southampton – Montagu Samuel-Montagu (died 12 Jan 1911)
19 July 1907 (H)L. Blyth of Blythwood in the County of Essex – James Blyth (died 8 Feb 1925)
20 July 1907 (H)L. Peckover of Wisbech in the County of Cambridge – Alexander Peckover (extinct(1) 21 Oct 1919)
2 May 1908 (H)L. Morley of Blackburn in the County Palatine of Lancaster – John Morley (extinct(1) 23 Sep 1923)
4 May 1908 (H)V. Wolverhampton of Wolverhampton in the County of Stafford – Henry Hartley Fowler (died 25 Feb 1911, extinct(2) 9 March 1943)
22 May 1908 (H)L. Lochee of Gowrie in the County of Perth – Edmund Robertson (extinct(1) 13 Sep 1911)
2 July 1908 (H)L. MacDonnell of Swinford in the County of Mayo – Antony Patrick MacDonnell (extinct(1) 9 June 1925)
3 July 1908 (H)L. Marchamley of Hawkstone in the County of Salop – George Whiteley (died 21 Oct 1925)
4 July 1908 (H)L. Holden of Alston in the County of Cumberland – Angus Holden (died 25 March 1912, extinct(3) 6 July 1951)
6 July 1908 (H)L. St Davids of Roch Castle in the County of Pembroke – John Wynford Philipps (died 28 March 1938)
15 Feb 1909 (H)L. Pentland of Lyth in the County of Caithness – John Sinclair (died 11 Jan 1925, extinct(2) 14 Feb 1984)
16 Feb 1909 (H)L. Gorell of Brampton in the County of Derby – John Gorell Barnes (died 22 April 1913)
20 Feb 1909 (A)L. Shaw of Dunfermline in the County of Fife – Thomas Shaw (died 28 June 1937)
12 May 1909 (H:I)L. Desart of Desart in the County of Kilkenny – Hamilton John Agmondesham Cuffe (5th E. of Desart (I)) (extinct(1) 4 Nov 1934)
7 Dec 1909 (H)L. Fisher of Kilverstone in the County of Norfolk – John Arbuthnot Fisher (died 10 July 1920)
8 Dec 1909 (H)L. Kilbracken of Killegar in the County of Leitrim – Arthur Godley (died 27 June 1932)
15 March 1910 (H)V. Gladstone of the County of Lanark – Herbert John Gladstone (extinct(1) 6 March 1930)
15 March 1910 (H)L. Ashby St Ledgers of Ashby St Ledgers in the County of Northampton – Ivor Churchill Guest (died 14 June 1939)
16 March 1910 (H)L. Mersey of Toxteth in the County Palatine of Lancaster – John Charles Bigham (died 3 Sep 1929)
27 April 1910 (H)L. Islington of Islington in the County of London – John Poynder Dickson-Poynder (extinct(1) 6 Dec 1936)
23 June 1910 (P)P. of Wales – Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (D. of Cornwall) (merged in Crown 20 Jan 1936)
13 July 1910 (H)L. Southwark of Southwark in the County of London – Richard Knight Causton (extinct(1) 23 Feb 1929)
14 July 1910 (H)L. Ilkeston of Ilkeston in the County of Derby – Balthazar Walter Foster (died 31 Jan 1913, extinct(2) 4 Jan 1952)
15 July 1910 (H)L. Devonport of Wittington in the County of Buckingham – Hudson Ewbanke Kearley (died 5 Sep 1934)
16 July 1910 (H)L. Cowdray of Midhurst in the County of Sussex – Weetman Dickinson Pearson (died 1 May 1927)
18 July 1910 (H)L. Rotherham of Broughton in the County Palatine of Lancaster – William Henry Holland (died 26 Dec 1927, extinct(2) 24 Jan 1950)
19 July 1910 (H)L. Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of the County of York – Christopher Furness (died 10 Nov 1912, extinct(3) 1 May 1995)
20 July 1910 (H)L. Willingdon of Ratton in the County of Sussex – Freeman Freeman-Thomas (died 12 Aug 1941, extinct(2) 19 March 1979)
21 July 1910 (H)L. Hardinge of Penshurst in the County of Kent – Charles Hardinge (died 2 Aug 1944)
21 Sep 1910 (H)L. de Villiers of Wynberg in the Province of the Cape of Good Hope and Union of South Africa – John Henry de Villiers (died 2 Sep 1914)
7 Oct 1910 (A)L. Robson of Jesmond in the County of Northumberland – William Snowdon Robson (died 11 Sep 1918)
27 March 1911 (H)V. Haldane of Cloan in the County of Perth – Richard Burdon Haldane (extinct(1) 19 Aug 1928)
3 April 1911 (H)L. Glenconner of Glen in the County of Peebles – Edward Priaulx Tennant (died 21 Nov 1920)
20 June 1911 (H:I)L. Mountgarret of Nidd in the West Riding of the County of York – Henry Edmund Butler (14th V. Mountgarret (I)) (died 2 Oct 1912)
21 June 1911 (H)L. Aberconway of Bodnant in the County of Denbigh – Charles Benjamin Bright McLaren (died 23 Jan 1934)
22 June 1911 (H)L. St Audries of St Audries in the County of Somerset – Alexander Fuller-Acland-Hood (died 4 June 1917, extinct(2) 16 Oct 1971)
23 June 1911 (H)L. Stamfordham of Stamfordham in the County of Northumberland – Arthur John Bigge (extinct(1) 31 March 1931)
24 June 1911 (H)L. Merthyr of Senghenydd in the County of Glamorgan – William Thomas Lewis (died 27 Aug 1914)
26 June 1911 (H)L. Inchcape of Strathnaver in the County of Sutherland – James Lyle Mackay (died 23 May 1932)
27 June 1911 (H)L. Rowallan of Rowallan in the County of Ayr – Archibald Cameron Corbett (died 19 March 1933)
28 June 1911 (H)L. Ashton of Hyde in the County of Chester – Thomas Gair Ashton (died 1 May 1933)
29 June 1911 (H)L. Charnwood of Castle Donington in the County of Leicester – Godfrey Rathbone Benson (died 3 Feb 1945, extinct(2) 1 Feb 1955)
3 July 1911 (P)M. of Crewe (& E. of Madeley) – Robert Offley Ashburton Crewe-Milnes (1st E. of Crewe) (extinct(1) 20 June 1945)
3 July 1911 (P)E. of Midlothian (& V. Mentmore of Mentmore in the County of Buckingham & L. Epsom of Epsom in the County of Surrey) – Archibald Philip Primrose (5th E. of Rosebery (S)) (died 21 May 1929)
3 July 1911 (H:S)V. Elibank of Elibank in the County of Selkirk – Montolieu Fox Murray (10th L. Elibank (S)) (died 20 Feb 1927, extinct(3) 5 Dec 1962)
4 July 1911 (P)E. Loreburn – Robert Threshie Reid (1st L. Loreburn) (extinct(1) 30 Nov 1923)
4 July 1911 (P)V. Knollys of Caversham in the County of Oxford – Francis Knollys (1st L. Knollys) (died 15 Aug 1924)
5 July 1911 (P)E. Brassey (& V. Hythe of Hythe in the County of Kent) – Thomas Brassey (1st L. Brassey) (died 23 Feb 1918, extinct(2) 12 Nov 1919)
5 July 1911 (P)V. Allendale of Allendale and Hexham in the County of Northumberland – Wentworth Canning Blackett Beaumont (2nd L. Allendale) (died 12 Dec 1923)
6 July 1911 (H)V. Chilston of Boughton Malherbe in the County of Kent (& L. Douglas of Baads in the County of Midlothian) – Aretas Akers-Douglas (died 15 Jan 1926)
2 Nov 1911 (H:I)E. Curzon of Kedleston in the County of Derby (& V. Scarsdale of Scarsdale in the County of Derby & L. Ravensdale of Ravensdale in the County of Derby) – George Nathaniel Curzon (1st L. Curzon of Kedleston (I)) (extinct(1) 20 March 1925)
2 Nov 1911 (H)L. Emmott of Oldham in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Alfred Emmott (extinct(1) 13 Dec 1926)
3 Nov 1911 (H)L. Strachie of Sutton Court in the County of Somerset – Edward Strachey (died 25 July 1936, extinct(2) 17 May 1973)
7 Feb 1912 (H)L. Carmichael of Skirling in the County of Peebles – Thomas David Gibson-Carmichael (extinct(1) 16 Jan 1926)
8 Feb 1912 (H)L. Pontypridd of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan – Alfred Thomas (extinct(1) 14 Dec 1927)
9 Feb 1912 (H)L. Hollenden of Leigh in the County of Kent – Samuel Hope Morley (died 18 Feb 1929)
26 Feb 1912 (P)M. of Lincolnshire – Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington (1st E. Carrington) (extinct(1) 13 June 1928)
8 July 1912 (H:I)L. Butler of Mount Juliet in the County of Kilkenny – Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset Butler (7th E. of Carrick (I)) (died 2 Nov 1931)
9 July 1912 (H)L. Channing of Wellingborough in the County of Northampton – Francis Allston Channing (extinct(1) 20 Feb 1926)
11 July 1912 (H)L. Nicholson of Roundhay in the County of York – William Gustavus Nicholson (extinct(1) 13 Sep 1918)
13 Aug 1912 (H)L. Murray of Elibank of Elibank in the County of Selkirk – Alexander William Charles Oliphant Murray (extinct(1) 13 Sep 1920)
1 Oct 1912 (A)L. Moulton of Bank in the County of Southampton – John Fletcher Moulton (died 9 March 1921)
10 Dec 1912 (H)L. Whitburgh of Whitburgh in the County of Midlothian – Thomas Banks Borthwick (extinct(1) 29 Sep 1967)
12 Feb 1913 (H)L. Sydenham of Combe of Dulverton in the County of Devon – George Sydenham Clarke (extinct(1) 7 Feb 1933)
14 Feb 1913 (H)L. Rochdale of Rochdale in the County Palatine of Lancaster – George Kemp (died 24 March 1945)
4 March 1913 (A)L. Parker of Waddington of Waddington in the County of York – Robert John Parker (died 12 July 1918)
20 Oct 1913 (A)L. Sumner of Ibstone in the County of Buckingham – John Andrew Hamilton (died 24 May 1934)
24 Nov 1913 (P)V. Alverstone of Alverstone in the County of Southampton – Richard Everard Webster (1st L. Alverstone) (extinct(1) 15 Dec 1915)
9 Jan 1914 (H)L. Reading of Erleigh in the County of Berks – Rufus Daniel Isaacs (died 30 Dec 1935)
15 Jan 1914 (H)L. Strathclyde of Sandyford in the County of Lanark – Alexander Ure (extinct(1) 2 Oct 1928)
16 Jan 1914 (H)L. Parmoor of Frieth in the County of Buckingham – Charles Alfred Cripps (died 30 June 1941)
17 Jan 1914 (H)L. Rothermere of Hemsted in the County of Kent – Harold Sidney Harmsworth (died 26 Nov 1940)
28 Jan 1914 (H)V. Bryce of Dechmount in the County of Lanark – James Bryce (extinct(1) 22 Jan 1922)
11 May 1914 (H)V. Buxton of Newtimber in the County of Sussex – Sydney Charles Buxton (extinct(1) 15 Oct 1934)
1 July 1914 (H)L. Cozens-Hardy of Letheringsett in the County of Norfolk – Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy (died 18 June 1920, extinct(4) 11 Sep 1975)
2 July 1914 (H)L. D’Abernon of Esher in the County of Surrey – Edgar Vincent (extinct(1) 1 Nov 1941)
3 July 1914 (H)L. Ranksborough of Ranksborough in the County of Rutland – John Fielden Brocklehurst (extinct(1) 28 Feb 1921)
4 July 1914 (H)L. Lyell of Kinnordy in the County of Forfar – Leonard Lyell (died 18 Sep 1926, extinct(3) 11 Jan 2017)
27 July 1914 (P)E. Kitchener of Khartoum and of Broome in the County of Kent (& V. Broome of Broome in the County of Kent & L. Denton of Denton in the County of Kent) (special remainder) – Horatio Herbert Kitchener (1st V. Kitchener of Khartoum) (died 5 June 1916, extinct(3) 16 Dec 2011)
14 Dec 1914 (H)L. Cunliffe of Headley in the County of Surrey – Walter Cunliffe (died 6 Jan 1920)
22 Feb 1915 (P)E. St Aldwyn of Coln St Aldwyn in the County of Gloucester (& V. Quenington of Quenington in the County of Gloucester) – Michael Edward Hicks-Beach (1st V. St Aldwyn) (died 30 April 1916)
12 April 1915 (H)L. Wrenbury of Old Castle in the County of Sussex – Henry Burton Buckley (died 27 Oct 1935)
15 May 1915 (H:S)M. of Aberdeen and Temair in the County of Aberdeen and in the County of Meath and in the County of Argyll (& E. of Haddo in the County of Aberdeen) – John Campbell Gordon (7th E. of Aberdeen (S)) (died 7 March 1934)
14 June 1915 (H)L. Buckmaster of Cheddington in the County of Buckingham – Stanley Owen Buckmaster (died 5 Dec 1934)
28 June 1915 (H)L. Bertie of Thame in the County of Oxford – Francis Leveson Bertie (died 26 Sep 1919, extinct(2) 29 Aug 1954)
29 June 1915 (H)L. Muir-Mackenzie of Delvine in the County of Perth – Kenneth Augustus Muir Mackenzie (extinct(1) 22 May 1930)
1 Jan 1916 (H)V. French of Ypres and of High Lake in the County of Roscommon – John Denton Pinkstone French (died 22 May 1925, extinct(3) 4 March 1988)
22 Jan 1916 (P)V. Mersey of Toxteth in the County Palatine of Lancaster – John Charles Bigham (1st L. Mersey) (died 3 Sep 1929)
22 Jan 1916 (H)L. Beresford of Metemmeh and of Curraghmore in the County of Waterford – Charles William de la Poer Beresford (extinct(1) 6 Sep 1919)
24 Jan 1916 (H)L. Faringdon of Buscot Park in the County of Berks – Alexander Henderson (died 17 March 1934)
25 Jan 1916 (H)L. Shaughnessy of the City of Montreal in the Dominion of Canada and of Ashford in the County of Limerick – Thomas George Shaughnessy (died 10 Dec 1923)
26 Jan 1916 (H)L. Astor of Hever Castle in the County of Kent – William Waldorf Astor (died 18 Oct 1919)
27 Jan 1916 (H)L. Rathcreedan of Bellehatch Park in the County of Oxford – Cecil William Norton (died 7 Dec 1930)
28 Jan 1916 (H)L. Rhondda of Llanwern in the County of Monmouth – David Alfred Thomas (extinct(1) 3 July 1918)
20 June 1916 (H)V. Chaplin of Saint Oswald’s, Blankney, in the County of Lincoln – Henry Chaplin (died 29 May 1923, extinct(3) 18 Dec 1981)
26 June 1916 (P)V. Reading of Erleigh in the County of Berks – Rufus Daniel Isaacs (1st L. Reading) (died 30 Dec 1935)
26 June 1916 (H)L. Somerleyton of Somerleyton in the County of Suffolk – Savile Brinton Crossley (died 25 Feb 1935)
27 June 1916 (H)L. Carnock of Carnock in the County of Stirling – Arthur Nicolson (died 5 Nov 1928)
28 June 1916 (H)L. Anslow of Iver in the County of Buckingham – Tonman Mosley (extinct(1) 20 Aug 1933)
29 June 1916 (H)L. Glentanar of Glen Tanar in the County of Aberdeen – George Coats (died 26 Nov 1918, extinct(2) 28 June 1971)
30 June 1916 (H)L. Roundway of Devizes in the County of Wilts – Charles Edward Hungerford Atholl Colston (died 17 June 1925, extinct(2) 29 March 1944)
27 July 1916 (H)V. Grey of Fallodon in the County of Northumberland – Edward Grey (extinct(1) 7 Sep 1933)
19 Dec 1916 (H)L. Finlay of Nairn in the County of Nairn – Robert Bannatyne Finlay (died 9 March 1929, extinct(2) 30 June 1945)
1 Jan 1917 (P)V. Sandhurst of Sandhurst in the County of Berks – William Mansfield (2nd L. Sandhurst) (extinct(1) 2 Nov 1921)
1 Jan 1917 (H)L. Stuart of Wortley of the City of Sheffield – Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley (extinct(1) 24 April 1926)
2 Jan 1917 (P)V. Cowdray of Cowdray in the County of Sussex – Weetman Dickinson Pearson (1st L. Cowdray) (died 1 May 1927)
2 Jan 1917 (H)L. Beaverbrook of Beaverbrook in the Province of New Brunswick in the Dominion of Canada and of Cherkley in the County of Surrey – William Maxwell Aitken (died 9 June 1964)
3 Jan 1917 (H)V. Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in the County of Oxford (& L. Nuneham of Nuneham Courtenay in the County of Oxford) – Lewis Harcourt (died 24 Feb 1922, extinct(2) 3 Jan 1979)
3 Jan 1917 (H)L. Gainford of Headlam in the County of Durham – Joseph Albert Pease (died 15 Feb 1943)
4 Jan 1917 (H)L. Forteviot of Dupplin in the County of Perth – John Alexander Dewar (died 23 Nov 1929)
5 Jan 1917 (H)L. Roe of the Borough of Derby – Thomas Roe (extinct(1) 7 June 1923)
6 Jan 1917 (H)L. Doverdale of Westwood Park in the County of Worcester – Edward Partington (died 5 Jan 1925, extinct(3) 18 Jan 1949)
5 May 1917 (H)L. Atholstan of Huntingdon in the Province of Quebec in the Dominion of Canada and of the City of Edinburgh – Hugh Graham (extinct(1) 28 Jan 1938)
7 May 1917 (H:I)L. Annesley of Bletchington in the County of Oxford – Arthur Annesley (11th V. Valentia (I)) (died 20 Jan 1927, extinct(2) 6 Oct 1949)
19 June 1917 (H)L. Lambourne of Lambourne in the County of Essex – Amelius Richard Mark Lockwood (extinct(1) 26 Dec 1928)
20 June 1917 (H)L. Treowen of Treowen and Llanarth in the County of Monmouth – Ivor John Caradoc Herbert (extinct(1) 18 Oct 1933)
21 June 1917 (P)V. Farquhar of Saint Marylebone in the County of London – Horace Brand Townsend-Farquhar (1st L. Farquhar) (extinct(1) 30 Aug 1923)
21 June 1917 (H)L. Leverhulme of Bolton-le-Moors in the County Palatine of Lancaster – William Hesketh Lever (died 7 May 1925, extinct(3) 4 July 2000)
22 June 1917 (P)V. Devonport of Wittington in the County of Buckingham – Hudson Ewbanke Kearley (1st L. Devonport) (died 5 Sep 1934)
22 June 1917 (H)L. Colwyn of Colwyn Bay in the County of Denbigh – Frederick Henry Smith (died 26 Jan 1946)
23 June 1917 (P)V. Astor of Hever Castle in the County of Kent – William Waldorf Astor (1st L. Astor) (died 18 Oct 1919)
23 June 1917 (H)L. Gisborough of Cleveland in the County of York – Richard Godolphin Walmesley Chaloner (died 23 Jan 1938)
16 July 1917 (H)M. of Cambridge (& E. of Eltham & V. Northallerton in the County of York) – Adolphus Charles Alexander Albert Edward George Philip Louis Ladislaus (died 24 Oct 1927, extinct(2) 16 April 1981)
16 July 1917 (H)E. of Athlone (& V. Trematon in the County of Cambridge) – Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George (extinct(1) 16 Jan 1957)
17 July 1917 (H)M. of Milford Haven (& E. of Medina & V. Alderney in the County of Southampton) – Louis Alexander Mountbatten (died 11 Sep 1921)
18 July 1917 (H)M. of Carisbrooke (& E. of Berkhampsted & V. Launceston in the County of Cornwall) – Alexander Albert Mountbatten (extinct(1) 23 Feb 1960)
1 Nov 1917 (H)L. Southborough of Southborough in the County of Kent – Francis John Stephens Hopwood (died 17 Jan 1947, extinct(4) 15 June 1992)
20 Dec 1917 (P)E. of Reading (& V. Erleigh of Erleigh in the County of Berks) – Rufus Daniel Isaacs (1st V. Reading) (died 30 Dec 1935)
14 Jan 1918 (P)V. Northcliffe of St Peter in the County of Kent – Alfred Charles William Harmsworth (1st L. Northcliffe) (extinct(1) 14 Aug 1922)
15 Jan 1918 (H)V. Jellicoe of Scapa in the County of Orkney (special remainder) – John Rushworth Jellicoe (died 20 Nov 1935)
15 Jan 1918 (H)L. Morris of St John’s in the Dominion of Newfoundland and of the City of Waterford – Edward Patrick Morris (died 24 Oct 1935)
16 Jan 1918 (P)V. Furness of Grantley in the West Riding of the County of York – Marmaduke Furness (2nd L. Furness) (died 6 Oct 1940, extinct(2) 1 May 1995)
16 Jan 1918 (H)L. Cawley of Prestwich in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Frederick Cawley (died 30 March 1937)
17 Jan 1918 (H)L. Armaghdale of Armagh in the County of Armagh – John Brownlee Lonsdale (extinct(1) 8 June 1924)
18 Jan 1918 (H)L. Queenborough of Queenborough in the County of Kent – Almeric Hugh Paget (extinct(1) 22 Sep 1949)
19 Jan 1918 (H)L. Terrington of Huddersfield in the County of York – James Thomas Woodhouse (died 8 Feb 1921)
15 June 1918 (P)V. Wimborne of Canford Magna in the County of Dorset – Ivor Churchill Guest (2nd L. Wimborne) (died 14 June 1939)
17 June 1918 (P)V. St Davids of Lydstep Haven in the County of Pembroke – John Wynford Philipps (1st L. St Davids) (died 28 March 1938)
19 June 1918 (P)V. Rhondda of Llanwern in the County of Monmouth (special remainder) – David Alfred Thomas (1st L. Rhondda) (died 3 July 1918, extinct(2) 20 July 1958)
26 June 1918 (H)L. Weir of Eastwood in the County of Renfrew – William Douglas Weir (died 2 July 1959)
27 June 1918 (H)L. Glenarthur of Carlung in the County of Ayr – Matthew Arthur (died 23 Sep 1928)
28 June 1918 (H)L. Glanely of St Fagans in the County of Glamorgan – William James Tatem (extinct(1) 28 June 1942)
29 June 1918 (H)L. Wittenham of Wallingford in the County of Berks – George Denison Faber (extinct(1) 1 Feb 1931)
1 July 1918 (H)L. Shandon of the City of Cork – Ignatius John O’Brien (extinct(1) 10 Sep 1930)
2 July 1918 (H)L. Phillimore of Shiplake in the County of Oxford – Walter George Frank Phillimore (died 13 March 1929)
9 July 1918 (H)L. Lee of Fareham of Chequers in the County of Buckingham – Arthur Hamilton Lee (extinct(1) 21 July 1947)
2 Sep 1918 (P)V. Bertie of Thame in the County of Oxford – Francis Leveson Bertie (1st L. Bertie of Thame) (died 26 Sep 1919, extinct(2) 29 Aug 1954)
15 Oct 1918 (H)L. Bledisloe of Lydney in the County of Gloucster – Charles Bathurst (died 3 July 1958)
14 Nov 1918 (H)V. Cave of Richmond in the County of Surrey – George Cave (extinct(1) 29 March 1928)
14 Nov 1918 (H)L. Sterndale of King Sterndale in the County of Derby – William Pickford (extinct(1) 17 Aug 1923)
16 Nov 1918 (H)L. Downham of Fulham in the County of London – William Hayes Fisher (extinct(1) 2 July 1920)
3 Feb 1919 (H)L. Birkenhead of Birkenhead in the County of Chester – Frederick Edwin Smith (died 30 Sep 1930, extinct(3) 18 Feb 1985)
4 Feb 1919 (H)L. Ernle of Chelsea in the County of London – Rowland Edmund Prothero (extinct(1) 1 July 1937)
5 Feb 1919 (H)L. Inverforth of Southgate in the County of Middlesex – Andrew Weir (died 17 Sep 1955)
14 Feb 1919 (H)L. Sinha of Raipur in the Presidency of Bengal – Satyendra Prasanna Sinha (died 5 March 1928)
24 March 1919 (H)L. Askwith of Saint Ives in the County of Huntingdon – George Ranken Askwith (extinct(1) 2 June 1942)
27 March 1919 (P)V. Finlay of Nairn in the County of Nairn – Robert Bannatyne Finlay (1st L. Finlay) (died 9 March 1929, extinct(2) 30 June 1945)
24 April 1919 (H)L. Chalmers of Northiam in the County of Sussex – Robert Chalmers (extinct(1) 17 Nov 1938)
16 May 1919 (P)V. Burnham of Hall Barn in the County of Buckingham – Harry Lawson Webster Levy-Lawson (2nd L. Burnham) (extinct(1) 20 July 1933)
16 May 1919 (H)L. Cochrane of Cults of Crawford Priory in the County of Fife – Thomas Horatio Arthur Ernest Cochrane (died 17 Jan 1951)
17 May 1919 (P)V. Rothermere of Hemsted in the County of Kent – Harold Sidney Harmsworth (1st L. Rothermere) (died 26 Nov 1940)
17 May 1919 (H)L. Wyfold of Accrington in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Robert Trotter Hermon-Hodge (died 3 June 1937, extinct(3) 8 April 1999)
19 May 1919 (H)L. Clwyd of Abergele in the County of Denbigh – John Herbert Roberts (died 19 Dec 1955)
20 May 1919 (H)L. Dewar of Homestall in the County of Sussex – Thomas Robert Dewar (extinct(1) 11 April 1930)
27 Sep 1919 (H)E. Beatty (& V. Borodale of Wexford in the County of Wexford & L. Beatty of the North Sea and of Brooksby in the County of Leicester) – David Beatty (died 11 March 1936)
29 Sep 1919 (H)E. Haig (& V. Dawick & L. Haig of Bemersyde in the County of Berwick) – Douglas Haig (died 29 Jan 1928)
30 Sep 1919 (P)E. of Iveagh (& V. Elveden of Elveden in the County of Suffolk) – Edward Cecil Guinness (1st V. Iveagh) (died 7 Oct 1927)
4 Oct 1919 (H)L. Plumer of Messines and of Bilton in the County of York – Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer (died 16 July 1932, extinct(2) 24 Feb 1944)
6 Oct 1919 (H)L. Rawlinson of Trent in the County of Dorset – Henry Seymour Rawlinson (extinct(1) 28 March 1925)
7 Oct 1919 (H)V. Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe in the County of Suffolk (special remainder) – Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby (died 14 May 1936)
7 Oct 1919 (H)L. Byng of Vimy of Thorpe-le-Soken in the County of Essex – Julian Hedworth George Byng (extinct(1) 6 June 1935)
8 Oct 1919 (H)L. Horne of Stirkoke in the County of Caithness – Henry Sinclair Horne (extinct(1) 14 Aug 1929)
9 Oct 1919 (H)L. Russell of Liverpool in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Edward Richard Russell (died 20 Feb 1920)
27 Oct 1919 (H)L. Wavertree of Delamere in the County of Chester – William Hall Walker (extinct(1) 2 Feb 1933)
28 Oct 1919 (H:S)L. Ruthven of Gowrie of Gowrie in the County of Perth – Walter James Hore-Ruthven (9th L. Ruthven of Freeland (S)) (died 28 Feb 1921)
1 Nov 1919 (H)L. Swinfen of Chertsey in the County of Surrey – Charles Swinfen Eady (died 15 Nov 1919)
18 Nov 1919 (H)L. Wester Wemyss of Wemyss in the County of Fife – Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss (extinct(1) 24 May 1933)
29 Nov 1919 (H)L. Meston of Agra in the Indian Empire and Dunottar in the County of Kincardine – James Scorgie Meston (died 7 Oct 1943)
12 Dec 1919 (H)L. Forster of Lepe in the County of Southampton – Henry William Forster (extinct(1) 15 Jan 1936)
9 Jan 1920 (H)L. Ashfield of Southwell in the County of Nottingham – Albert Henry Stanley (extinct(1) 4 Nov 1948)
28 Jan 1920 (H)L. Riddell of Walton Heath in the County of Surrey – George Allardice Riddell (extinct(1) 5 Dec 1934)
2 Feb 1920 (P)E. of Midleton (& V. Dunsford of Dunsford in the County of Surrey) – William St John Fremantle Brodrick (9th V. Midleton (I)) (died 13 Feb 1942, extinct(2) 2 Nov 1979)
9 Feb 1920 (H)L. Dawson of Penn of Penn in the County of Buckingham – Bertrand Edward Dawson (extinct(1) 7 March 1945)
21 April 1920 (H)L. Cullen of Ashbourne of Roehampton in the County of Surrey – Brien Ibrican Cokayne (died 3 Nov 1932)
3 June 1920 (H)D. of York (& E. of Inverness & L. Killarney) – Albert Frederick Arthur George (merged in Crown 11 Dec 1936)
8 Nov 1920 (P)E. Buxton – Sydney Charles Buxton (1st V. Buxton) (extinct(1) 15 Oct 1934)
6 Dec 1920 (H)V. Novar of Raith in the County of Fife and of Novar in the County of Ross – Ronald Craufurd Munro-Ferguson (extinct(1) 30 March 1934)
14 Jan 1921 (H)L. Marshall of Chipstead of Chipstead in the County of Surrey – Horace Brooks Marshall (extinct(1) 29 March 1936)
15 Jan 1921 (H)L. Invernairn of Strathnairn in the County of Inverness – William Beardmore (extinct(1) 9 April 1936)
17 Jan 1921 (H)L. Cable of Ideford in the County of Devon – Ernest Cable (extinct(1) 28 March 1927)
18 Jan 1921 (H)L. Ystwyth of Tan-y-Bwlch in the County of Cardigan – Mathew Lewis Vaughan-Davies (extinct(1) 21 Aug 1935)
19 Jan 1921 (H)L. Seaforth of Brahan in Urray, in the County of Ross and Cromarty – James Alexander Francis Humberston Stewart-Mackenzie (extinct(1) 3 March 1923)
28 April 1921 (H)V. FitzAlan of Derwent of Derwent in the County of Derby – Edmund Bernard Talbot (died 18 May 1947, extinct(2) 17 May 1962)
1 June 1921 (A)L. Carson of Duncairn in the County of Antrim – Edward Henry Carson (died 22 Oct 1935)
3 June 1921 (P)V. Chelmsford of Chelmsford in the County of Essex – Frederic John Napier Thesiger (3rd L. Chelmsford) (died 1 April 1933)
4 June 1921 (H)V. Long of Wraxall in the County of Wilts – Walter Hume Long (died 26 Sep 1924)
4 June 1921 (H)L. Illingworth of Denton in the West Riding of the County of York – Albert Holden Illingworth (extinct(1) 23 Jan 1942)
15 June 1921 (P)V. Birkenhead of Birkenhead in the County of Chester – Frederick Edwin Smith (1st L. Birkenhead) (died 30 Sep 1930, extinct(3) 18 Feb 1985)
15 June 1921 (H)L. Bearsted of Maidstone in the County of Kent – Marcus Samuel (died 17 Jan 1927)
28 June 1921 (P)M. Curzon of Kedleston (& E. of Kedleston in the County of Derby) – George Nathaniel Curzon (1st E. Curzon of Kedleston) (extinct(1) 20 March 1925)
28 June 1921 (H)L. Dalziel of Kirkcaldy of Marylebone in the County of London – James Henry Dalziel (extinct(1) 15 July 1935)
1 July 1921 (H)L. Ailwyn of Honingham in the County of Norfolk – Ailwyn Edward Fellowes (died 23 Sep 1924, extinct(4) 27 Sep 1988)
8 July 1921 (H)V. Ullswater of Campsea Ashe in the County of Suffolk – James William Lowther (died 27 March 1949)
9 July 1921 (P)V. Pirrie of the City of Belfast – William James Pirrie (1st L. Pirrie) (extinct(1) 6 June 1924)
26 July 1921 (H)L. Glenavy of Milltown in the County of Dublin – James Henry Mussen Campbell (died 22 March 1931, extinct(4) 1 June 1984)
24 Aug 1921 (H)L. Trevethin of Blaengawney in the County of Monmouth – Alfred Tristram Lawrence (died 3 Aug 1936)
23 Jan 1922 (H)L. Glendyne of Sanquhar in the County of Dumfries – Robert Nivison (died 14 June 1930)
24 Jan 1922 (H)L. Woolavington of Lavington in the County of Sussex – James Buchanan (extinct(1) 9 Aug 1935)
25 Jan 1922 (H)L. Manton of Compton Verney in the County of Warwick – Joseph Watson (died 13 March 1922)
26 Jan 1922 (H)L. Barnby of Blyth in the County of Nottingham – Francis Willey (died 16 Feb 1929, extinct(2) 30 April 1982)
24 March 1922 (H)L. Hewart of Bury in the County of Lancaster – Gordon Hewart (died 5 May 1943, extinct(2) 23 July 1964)
5 May 1922 (H)E. of Balfour (& V. Traprain of Whittingehame in the County of Haddington) (special remainder) – Arthur James Balfour (died 19 March 1930)
5 June 1922 (P)E. of Ypres – John Denton Pinkstan French (1st V. French of Ypres) (died 22 May 1925, extinct(3) 4 March 1988)
19 June 1922 (H)L. Forres of Glenogil in the County of Forfar – Archibald Williamson (died 29 Oct 1931)
20 June 1922 (H)L. Vestey of Kingswood in the County of Surrey – William Vestey (died 10 Dec 1940)
18 July 1922 (H)L. Waring of Foots Cray in the County of Kent – Samuel James Waring (extinct(1) 9 Jan 1940)
20 July 1922 (H)L. Borwick of Hawkshead in the County of Lancaster – Robert Hudson Borwick (died 27 Jan 1936)
20 Nov 1922 (H)L. Mildmay of Flete of Totnes in the County of Devon – Francis Bingham Mildmay (died 8 Feb 1947, extinct(2) 12 May 1950)
21 Nov 1922 (H)L. Maclay of Glasgow in the County of Lanark – Joseph Paton Maclay (died 24 April 1951)
22 Nov 1922 (H)L. Wargrave of Wargrave Hall in the County of Berks – Edward Alfred Goulding (extinct(1) 17 July 1936)
23 Nov 1922 (H)L. Bethell of Romford in the County of Essex – John Henry Bethell (died 27 May 1945)
27 Nov 1922 (P)V. Leverhulme of the Western Isles in the Counties of Inverness and Ross and Cromarty – William Hesketh Lever (1st L. Leverhulme) (died 7 May 1925, extinct(3) 4 July 2000)
28 Nov 1922 (P)E. of Birkenhead (& V. Furneaux of Charlton in the County of Northampton) – Frederick Edwin Smith (1st V. Birkenhead) (died 30 Sep 1930, extinct(3) 18 Feb 1985)
28 Nov 1922 (P)V. Lee of Fareham of Bridport in the County of Dorset – Arthur Hamilton Lee (1st L. Lee of Fareham) (extinct(1) 21 July 1947)
30 Nov 1922 (P)E. Farquhar – Horace Brand Townsend-Farquhar (1st V. Farquhar) (extinct(1) 30 Aug 1923)
12 Feb 1923 (H)L. Daryngton of Witley in the County of Surrey – Herbert Pike Pease (died 10 May 1949, extinct(2) 5 April 1994)
14 Feb 1923 (H)L. Kylsant of Carmarthen in the County of Carmarthen and of Amroth in the County of Pembroke – Owen Cosby Philipps (extinct(1) 5 June 1937)
20 Feb 1923 (H)V. Younger of Leckie of Alloa in the County of Clackmannan – George Younger (died 29 April 1929)
23 July 1923 (H)L. Lawrence of Kingsgate of Holland House, Kingsgate, in the County of Kent – Charles Napier Lawrence (extinct(1) 17 Dec 1927)
24 July 1923 (H)L. Hunsdon of Hunsdon of Briggens in the County of Hertford – Herbert Cokayne Gibbs (died 22 May 1935)
12 Oct 1923 (A)L. Blanesburgh of Alloa in the County of Clackmannan – Robert Younger (died 17 Aug 1946)
24 Dec 1923 (H)V. Cecil of Chelwood of East Grinstead in the County of Sussex – Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil (extinct(1) 24 Nov 1958)
8 Jan 1924 (H)L. Jessel of Westminster in the County of London – Herbert Merton Jessel (died 1 Nov 1950, extinct(2) 13 June 1990)
12 Jan 1924 (H)L. Darling of Langham in the County of Essex – Charles John Darling (died 29 May 1936)
21 Jan 1924 (P)V. Inchcape of Strathnaver in the County of Sutherland – James Lyle Mackay (1st L. Inchcape) (died 23 May 1932)
21 Jan 1924 (H)L. Banbury of Southam of Southam in the County of Warwick – Frederick George Banbury (died 13 Aug 1936)
9 Feb 1924 (H)L. Olivier of Ramsden in the County of Oxford – Sydney Haldane Olivier (extinct(1) 15 Feb 1943)
11 Feb 1924 (H)L. Thomson of Cardington in the County of Bedford – Christopher Birdwood Thomson (extinct(1) 5 Oct 1930)
12 Feb 1924 (H)L. Arnold of Hale in the County of Chester – Sydney Arnold (extinct(1) 3 Aug 1945)
19 Feb 1924 (H)L. Danesfort of Danesfort in the County of Kerry – John George Butcher (extinct(1) 30 June 1935)
7 May 1924 (H)L. Stevenson of Holmbury in the County of Surrey – James Stevenson (extinct(1) 10 June 1926)
23 June 1924 (P)V. Willingdon of Ratton in the County of Sussex – Freeman Freeman-Thomas (1st L. Willingdon) (died 12 Aug 1941, extinct(2) 19 March 1979)
19 Jan 1925 (H)L. Merrivale of Walkhampton in the County of Devon – Henry Edward Duke (died 20 May 1939)
28 Jan 1925 (H)L. Bradbury of Winsford in the County of Chester – John Swanwick Bradbury (died 3 May 1950)
9 Feb 1925 (H)E. of Oxford and Asquith (& V. Asquith of Morley in the West Riding of the County of York) – Herbert Henry Asquith (died 15 Feb 1928)
12 June 1925 (H)L. Stonehaven of Ury in the County of Kincardine – John Lawrence Baird (died 20 Aug 1941)
16 June 1925 (P)V. Bearsted of Maidstone in the County of Kent – Marcus Samuel (1st L. Bearsted) (died 17 Jan 1927)
29 June 1925 (P)E. Jellicoe (& V. Brocas of Southampton in the County of Southampton) – John Rushworth Jellicoe (1st V. Jellicoe) (died 20 Nov 1935)
16 Nov 1925 (H)L. Lloyd of Dolobran in the County of Montgomery – George Ambrose Lloyd (died 4 Feb 1941, extinct(2) 5 Nov 1985)
22 Dec 1925 (H)L. Irwin of Kirby Underdale in the County of York – Edward Frederick Lindley Wood (died 23 Dec 1959)
19 Jan 1926 (H:I)L. Mereworth of Mereworth Castle in the County of Kent – Geoffrey Henry Browne (3rd L. Oranmore and Browne (I)) (died 30 June 1927)
28 Jan 1926 (H)L. Hanworth of Hanworth in the County of Middlesex – Ernest Murray Pollock (died 22 Oct 1936)
17 Feb 1926 (P)V. Dunedin of Stenton in the County of Perth – Andrew Graham Murray (1st L. Dunedin) (extinct(1) 21 Aug 1942)
20 Feb 1926 (P)V. D’Abernon of Esher and of Stoke D’Abernon in the County of Surrey – Edgar Vincent (1st L. D’Abernon) (extinct(1) 1 Nov 1941)
7 May 1926 (P)M. of Reading – Rufus Daniel Isaacs (1st E. of Reading) (died 30 Dec 1935)
16 July 1926 (H)L. Buckland of Bwlch in the County of Brecon – Henry Seymour Berry (extinct(1) 23 May 1928)
4 Aug 1926 (P)V. Tredegar of Tredegar in the County of Monmouth – Courtenay Charles Evan Morgan (3rd L. Tredegar) (died 3 May 1934, extinct(2) 27 April 1949)
25 Oct 1926 (H)L. Warrington of Clyffe of Market Lavington in the County of Wilts – Thomas Rolls Warrington (extinct(1) 26 Oct 1937)
18 Jan 1927 (H)L. Greenway of Stanbridge Earls in the County of Southampton – Charles Greenway (died 17 Dec 1934)
20 Jan 1927 (H)V. Craigavon of Stormont in the County of Down – James Craig (died 24 Nov 1940)
29 Jan 1927 (H)L. Hayter of Chislehurst in the County of Kent – George Hayter Chubb (died 7 Nov 1946)
31 Jan 1927 (P)V. Sumner of Ibstone in the County of Buckingham – John Andrew Hamilton (L. Sumner) (extinct(1) 24 May 1934)
31 Jan 1927 (H)L. Cornwallis of Linton in the County of Kent – Fiennes Stanley Wykeham Cornwallis (died 26 Sep 1935)
21 June 1927 (H)L. Daresbury of Walton in the County of Chester – Gilbert Greenall (died 24 Oct 1938)
4 July 1927 (H)L. Dalziel of Wooler of Wooler in the County of Northumberland – Davison Alexander Dalziel (extinct(1) 18 April 1928)
7 Nov 1927 (H)L. Cushendun of Cushendun in the County of Antrim – Ronald John McNeill (extinct(1) 12 Oct 1934)
11 Jan 1928 (H)L. Wraxall of Clyst St George in the County of Devon – George Abraham Gibbs (died 28 Oct 1931)
12 Jan 1928 (P)V. Byng of Vimy of Thorpe-le-Soken in the County of Essex – Julian Hedworth George Byng (1st L. Byng of Vimy) (extinct(1) 6 June 1935)
19 Jan 1928 (H)L. Strickland of Sizergh Castle in the County of Westmorland – Gerald Strickland (extinct(1) 22 Aug 1940)
6 Feb 1928 (A)L. Atkin of Aberdovey in the County of Merioneth – James Richard Atkin (died 25 June 1944)
16 March 1928 (H)L. Lugard of Abinger in the County of Surrey – Frederick John Dealtry Lugard (extinct(1) 11 April 1945)
31 March 1928 (H)D. of Gloucester (& E. of Ulster & L. Culloden) – Henry William Frederick Albert (died 10 June 1974)
5 April 1928 (H)L. Hailsham of Hailsham in the County of Sussex – Douglas McGarel Hogg (died 16 Aug 1950)
8 May 1928 (H)C. Cave of Richmond – Anne Estella Sarah Penfold Cave (extinct(1) 7 Jan 1938)
15 June 1928 (H)L. Melchett of Landford in the County of Southampton – Alfred Moritz Mond (died 27 Dec 1930, extinct(4) 29 Aug 2018)
26 June 1928 (H)L. Remnant of Wenhaston in the County of Suffolk – James Farquharson Remnant (died 30 Jan 1933)
5 July 1928 (H)L. Ebbisham of Cobham in the County of Surrey – George Rowland Blades (died 24 May 1953, extinct(2) 12 April 1991)
14 Nov 1928 (H)L. Davidson of Lambeth of Lambeth in the County of London – Randall Thomas Davidson (extinct(1) 25 May 1930)
11 Feb 1929 (A)L. Tomlin of Ash in the County of Kent – Thomas James Chesshyre Tomlin (died 12 Aug 1935)
18 March 1929 (H)L. Trent of Nottingham in the County of Nottingham – Jesse Boot (died 13 June 1931, extinct(2) 8 March 1956)
19 March 1929 (H)L. Moynihan of Leeds in the County of York – Berkeley George Andrew Moynihan (died 7 Sep 1936)
20 March 1929 (H)L. Fairhaven of Lode in the County of Cambridge – Urban Huttleston Rogers Broughton (extinct(1) 20 Aug 1966)
1 May 1929 (A)L. Thankerton of Thankerton in the County of Lanark – William Watson (died 13 June 1948)
7 May 1929 (X)L. Craigmyle of Craigmyle in the County of Aberdeen – Thomas, L Shaw (L. Shaw) (died 28 June 1937)
17 June 1929 (H)L. Brotherton of Wakefield in the County of York – Edward Allen Brotherton (extinct(1) 21 Oct 1930)
18 June 1929 (H)V. Bridgeman of Leigh in the County of Salop – William Clive Bridgeman (died 14 Aug 1935)
18 June 1929 (H)L. Bayford of Stoke Trister in the County of Somerset – Robert Arthur Sanders (extinct(1) 24 Feb 1940)
19 June 1929 (H)L. Camrose of Long Cross in the County of Surrey – William Ewert Berry (died 15 June 1954)
20 June 1929 (P)E. of Inchcape (& V. Glenapp of Strathnaver in the County of Sutherland) – James Lyle Mackay (1st V. Inchcape) (died 23 May 1932)
21 June 1929 (H)L. Sankey of Moreton in the County of Gloucester – John Sankey (extinct(1) 6 Feb 1948)
22 June 1929 (H)L. Passfield of Passfield Corner in the County of Southampton – Sidney James Webb (extinct(1) 13 Oct 1947)
24 June 1929 (P)V. Plumer of Messines and of Bolton in the County of York – Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer (1st L. Plumer) (died 16 July 1932, extinct(2) 24 Feb 1944)
4 July 1929 (P)V. Hailsham of Hailsham in the County of Sussex – Douglas McGarel Hogg (1st L. Hailsham) (died 16 Aug 1950)
5 July 1929 (H)V. Brentford of Newick in the County of Sussex – William Joynson-Hicks (died 8 June 1932)
8 July 1929 (H)L. Dulverton of Batsford in the County of Gloucester – Gilbert Alan Hamilton Wills (died 1 Dec 1956)
9 July 1929 (H)L. Luke of Pavenham in the County of Bedford – George Lawson-Johnston (died 23 Feb 1943)
10 July 1929 (P)E. Peel (& V. Clanfield of Clanfield in the County of Southampton) – William Robert Wellesley Peel (2nd V. Peel) (died 28 Sep 1937)
10 July 1929 (H)L. Alvingham of Woodfold in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Robert Daniel Thwaites Yerburgh (died 27 Nov 1955)
16 July 1929 (H)L. Marks of Woolwich in the County of Kent – George Croydon Marks (extinct(1) 24 Sep 1938)
22 July 1929 (H)L. Amulree of Strathbraan in the County of Perth – William Warrender Mackenzie (died 5 May 1942, extinct(2) 15 Dec 1983)
24 July 1929 (H)L. Tyrrell of Avon in the County of Southampton – William George Tyrrell (extinct(1) 14 March 1947)
31 Aug 1929 (H)L. Greenwood of Llanbister in the County of Radnor – Hamar Greenwood (died 10 Sep 1948, extinct(3) 7 July 2003)
17 Sep 1929 (H)L. Baden-Powell of Gilwell in the County of Essex – Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (died 8 Jan 1941)
18 Nov 1929 (A)L. Russell of Killowen of Killowen in the County of Down – Frank Russell (died 20 Dec 1946)
16 Jan 1930 (H)L. Marley of Marley in the County of Sussex – Dudley Leigh Aman (died 29 Feb 1952, extinct(2) 13 March 1990)
17 Jan 1930 (H)L. Ponsonby of Shulbrede of Shulbrede in the County of Sussex – Arthur Augustus William Harry Ponsonby (died 24 March 1946)
18 Jan 1930 (H)L. Dickinson of Painswick in the County of Gloucester – Willoughby Hyett Dickinson (died 31 May 1943)
20 Jan 1930 (H)L. Wakefield of Hythe in the County of Kent – Charles Cheers Wakefield (extinct(1) 15 Jan 1941)
21 Jan 1930 (H)L. Kirkley of Kirkley in the County of Northumberland – William Joseph Noble (extinct(1) 11 Sep 1935)
23 Jan 1930 (H)L. Trenchard of Wolfeton in the County of Dorset – Hugh Montague Trenchard (died 10 Feb 1956)
3 Feb 1930 (A)L. Macmillan of Aberfeldy in the County of Perth – Hugh Pattison Macmillan (died 5 Sep 1952)
17 June 1930 (H)L. Noel-Buxton of Aylsham in the County of Norfolk – Noel Edward Buxton (died 12 Sep 1948)
18 June 1930 (H)L. Sanderson of Hunmanby in the County of York – Henry Sanderson Furniss (extinct(1) 25 March 1939)
10 July 1930 (H)L. Howard of Penrith of Gowbarrow in the County of Cumberland – Esme William Howard (died 1 Aug 1939)
20 Jan 1931 (H)L. Plender of Sundridge in the County of Kent – William Plender (extinct(1) 19 Jan 1946)
21 Jan 1931 (H)L. Hyndley of Meads in the County of Sussex – John Scott Hindley (extinct(1) 5 Jan 1963)
22 Jan 1931 (H)L. Rutherford of Nelson of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge – Ernest Rutherford (extinct(1) 19 Oct 1937)
23 Jan 1931 (H)L. Rochester of Rochester in the County of Kent – Ernest Henry Lamb (died 13 Jan 1955)
20 Feb 1931 (P)E. of Willingdon (& V. Ratendone of Willingdon in the County of Sussex) – Freeman Freeman-Thomas (1st V. Willingdon) (died 12 Aug 1941, extinct(2) 19 March 1979)
23 March 1931 (H)L. Snell of Plumstead in the County of Kent – Henry Snell (extinct(1) 21 April 1944)
24 Nov 1931 (H)V. Snowden of Ickornshaw in the West Riding of the County of York – Philip Snowden (extinct(1) 15 May 1937)
5 Dec 1931 (H)L. Mamhead of Exeter in the County of Devon – Robert Hunt Stapylton Dudley Lydston Newman (extinct(1) 2 Nov 1945)
7 Dec 1931 (H)L. Conway of Allington of Allington in the County of Kent – William Martin Conway (extinct(1) 19 April 1937)
13 Jan 1932 (H)L. Mount Temple of Lee in the County of Southampton – Wilfrid William Ashley (extinct(1) 3 July 1939)
14 Jan 1932 (H)L. Selsdon of Croydon in the County of Surrey – William Lowson Mitchell-Thomson (died 24 Dec 1938)
18 Jan 1932 (H)L. Allen of Hurtwood of Hurtwood in the County of Surrey – Reginald Clifford Allen (extinct(1) 3 March 1939)
21 Jan 1932 (H)L. Moyne of Bury St Edmunds in the County of Suffolk – Walter Edward Guinness (died 6 Nov 1944)
25 Jan 1932 (H)L. Rhayader of Rhayader in the County of Radnor – Leifchild Stratten Jones (extinct(1) 26 Sep 1939)
30 Jan 1932 (P)V. Sankey of Moreton in the County of Gloucester – John Sankey (1st L. Sankey) (extinct(1) 6 Feb 1948)
11 April 1932 (A)L. Wright of Durley in the County of Wilts – Robert Alderson Wright (died 27 June 1964)
17 June 1932 (H)L. Woodbridge of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk – Arthur Charles Churchman (extinct(1) 3 Feb 1949)
20 June 1932 (H)L. Essendon of Essendon in the County of Hertford – Frederick William Lewis (died 24 June 1944, extinct(2) 18 July 1978)
21 June 1932 (H)L. Davies of Llandinam in the County of Montgomery – David Davies (died 16 June 1944)
22 June 1932 (H)L. Gladstone of Hawarden of Hawarden in the County of Flint – Henry Neville Gladstone (extinct(1) 28 April 1935)
28 June 1932 (H)L. Rankeillour of Buxted in the County of Sussex – James Fitzalan Hope (died 14 Feb 1949)
30 June 1932 (H)L. Hutchison of Montrose of Kirkcaldy in the County of Fife – Robert Hutchison (extinct(1) 13 June 1950)
17 Jan 1933 (H)L. Runciman of Shoreston in the County of Northumberland – Walter Runciman (died 13 Aug 1937)
19 Jan 1933 (H)L. Brocket of Brocket Hall in the County of Hertford – Charles Alexander Nall-Cain (died 21 Nov 1934)
23 Jan 1933 (H)L. Horder of Ashford in the County of Southampton – Thomas Jeeves Horder (died 13 Aug 1955, extinct(2) 2 July 1997)
26 Jan 1933 (H)L. Milne of Salonika and of Rubislaw in the County of Aberdeen – George Francis Milne (died 23 March 1948)
3 Feb 1933 (H)L. Duveen of Millbank in the City of Westminster – Joseph Duveen (extinct(1) 25 May 1939)
24 Feb 1933 (P)V. Buckmaster of Cheddington in the County of Buckingham – Stanley Owen Buckmaster (1st L. Buckmaster) (died 5 Dec 1934)
1 March 1933 (H)L. Rennell of Rodd in the County of Hereford – James Rennell Rodd (died 26 July 1941)
21 June 1933 (H)L. Mottistone of Mottistone in the County of Southampton – John Edward Bernard Seely (died 7 Nov 1947)
22 June 1933 (H)L. Iliffe of Yattendon in the County of Berks – Edward Mauger Iliffe (died 25 July 1960)
24 June 1933 (H)L. Palmer of Reading in the County of Berks – Samuel Ernest Palmer (died 8 Dec 1948)
24 July 1933 (H)L. Bingley of Bramham in the County of York – George Richard Lane-Fox (extinct(1) 11 Dec 1947)
11 Jan 1934 (H)L. Rockley of Lytchett Heath in the County of Dorset – Evelyn Cecil (died 1 April 1941)
12 Jan 1934 (H)L. Portsea of Portsmouth in the County of Southampton – Bertram Godfray Falle (extinct(1) 1 Nov 1948)
13 Jan 1934 (H)L. Nuffield of Nuffield in the County of Oxford – William Richard Morris (extinct(1) 22 Aug 1963)
15 Jan 1934 (H)L. Eltisley of Croxton in the County of Cambridge – George Douglas Cochrane Newton (extinct(1) 2 Sep 1942)
16 Jan 1934 (H)L. Elton of Headington in the County of Oxford – Godfrey Elton (died 18 April 1973)
26 June 1934 (H:I)L. Bingham of Melcombe Bingham in the County of Dorset – George Charles Bingham (5th E. of Lucan (I)) (died 20 April 1949)
27 June 1934 (H)L. Alness of Alness in the County of Ross and Cromarty – Robert Munro (extinct(1) 6 Oct 1955)
28 June 1934 (P)V. Wakefield of Hythe in the County of Kent – Charles Cheers Wakefield (1st L. Wakefield) (extinct(1) 15 Jan 1941)
28 June 1934 (H)L. Hirst of Witton in the County of Warwick – Hugo Hirst (extinct(1) 22 Jan 1943)
29 June 1934 (H)L. Wakehurst of Ardingly in the County of Sussex – Gerald Walter Erskine Loder (died 30 April 1936)
12 Oct 1934 (H)D. of Kent (& E. of St Andrews & L. Downpatrick) – George Edward Alexander Edmund (died 25 Aug 1942)
24 Jan 1935 (H)L. Rushcliffe of Blackfordby in the County of Leicester – Henry Bucknall Betterton (extinct(1) 18 Nov 1949)
25 Jan 1935 (H)L. Hesketh of Hesketh in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Thomas Fermor-Hesketh (died 20 July 1944)
26 Jan 1935 (H)L. Portal of Laverstoke in the County of Southampton – Wyndham Raymond Portal (extinct(1) 6 May 1949)
1 June 1935 (H)L. Tweedsmuir of Elsfield in the County of Oxford – John Buchan (died 11 Feb 1940)
24 June 1935 (P)V. Bledisloe of Lydney in the County of Gloucester – Charles Bathurst (1st L. Bledisloe) (died 3 July 1958)
24 June 1935 (H)L. Sysonby of Wonersh in the County of Surrey – Frederick Edward Grey Ponsonby (died 20 Oct 1935, extinct(3) 23 Oct 2009)
25 June 1935 (H)L. Wigram of Clewer in the County of Berks – Clive Wigram (died 3 Sep 1960)
26 June 1935 (H)L. Blackford of Compton Pauncefoot in the County of Somerset – William James Peake Mason (died 21 July 1947, extinct(4) 15 May 1988)
27 June 1935 (H)L. Riverdale of Sheffield in the County of York – Arthur Balfour (died 7 July 1957)
28 June 1935 (H)L. May of Weybridge in the County of Surrey – George Ernest May (died 10 April 1946)
29 June 1935 (H)L. St Just of St Just in Penwith in the County of Cornwall – Edward Charles Grenfell (died 26 Nov 1941, extinct(2) 14 Oct 1984)
15 July 1935 (H)L. Kennet of the Dene in the County of Wilts – Edward Hilton Young (died 11 July 1960)
7 Oct 1935 (A)L. Maugham of Hartfield in the County of Sussex – Frederic Herbert Maugham (died 23 March 1958)
14 Oct 1935 (A)L. Roche of Chadlington in the County of Oxford – Alexander Adair Roche (died 22 Dec 1956)
29 Nov 1935 (H)V. Swinton of Masham in the County of York – Philip Cunliffe-Lister (died 27 July 1972)
30 Nov 1935 (H)V. Monsell of Evesham in the County of Worcester – Bolton Meredith Eyres-Monsell (died 21 March 1969, extinct(2) 28 Nov 1993)
20 Dec 1935 (H)L. Gowrie of Canberra in the Commonwealth of Australia and of Dirleton in the County of East Lothian – Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven (died 2 May 1955)
11 Jan 1936 (H)L. Strathcarron of Banchor in the County of Inverness – James Ian Macpherson (died 14 Aug 1937)
17 Jan 1936 (P)V. Hanworth of Hanworth in the County of Middlesex – Ernest Murray Pollock (1st L. Hanworth) (died 22 Oct 1936)
31 Jan 1936 (P)V. Trenchard of Wolfeton in the County of Dorset – Hugh Montague Trenchard (1st L. Trenchard) (died 10 Feb 1956)
1 Feb 1936 (H)L. Glenravel of Kensington in the County of London – Arthur Shirley Benn (extinct(1) 13 June 1937)
3 Feb 1936 (H)L. Kemsley of Farnham Royal in the County of Buckingham – James Gomer Berry (died 6 Feb 1968)
24 Feb 1936 (H)L. Catto of Cairncatto in the County of Aberdeen – Thomas Sivewright Catto (died 23 Aug 1959)
26 May 1936 (P)M. of Willingdon – Freeman Freeman-Thomas (1st E. of Willingdon) (died 12 Aug 1941, extinct(2) 19 March 1979)
14 July 1936 (H)L. Cautley of Lindfield in the County of Sussex – Henry Strother Cautley (extinct(1) 21 Sep 1946)
15 July 1936 (H)L. Hailey of Sharpur in the Punjab and of Newport Pagnell in the County of Buckingham – William Malcolm Hailey (extinct(1) 1 June 1969)
16 July 1936 (H)L. Austin of Longbridge in the City of Birmingham – Herbert Austin (extinct(1) 23 May 1941)
17 July 1936 (H)L. Wardington of Alnmouth in the County of Northumberland – John William Beaumont Pease (died 7 Aug 1950, extinct(3) 19 March 2019)
30 Oct 1936 (P)V. Dawson of Penn of Penn in the County of Buckingham – Bertrand Edward Dawson (1st L. Dawson of Penn) (extinct(1) 7 March 1945)
16 Feb 1937 (P)V. Greenwood of Holbourne in the County of London – Hamar Greenwood (1st L. Greenwood) (died 10 Sep 1948, extinct(3) 7 July 2003)
22 Feb 1937 (H)L. Windlesham of Windlesham in the County of Surrey – George Richard James Hennessy (died 8 Oct 1953)
23 Feb 1937 (H)L. Mancroft of Mancroft in the City of Norwich – Arthur Michael Samuel (died 17 Aug 1942)
24 Feb 1937 (H)L. McGowan of Ardeer in the County of Ayr – Harry Duncan McGowan (died 13 July 1961)
8 March 1937 (H)D. of Windsor – Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (extinct(1) 28 May 1972)
22 May 1937 (H)L. Addison of Stallingborough in the County of Lincoln – Christopher Addison (died 11 Dec 1951)
24 May 1937 (H)L. Denham of Weston Underwood in the County of Buckingham – George Edward Wentworth Bowyer (died 30 Nov 1948)
1 June 1937 (X)E. of Strathmore and Kinghorne – Claude George Bowes-Lyon (14th E. of Strathmore and Kinghorne (S)) (died 7 Nov 1944)
2 June 1937 (X)E. of Bessborough – Vere Brabazon Ponsonby (9th E. of Bessborough (I)) (died 10 March 1956, extinct(2) 5 Dec 1993)
3 June 1937 (H)L. Rea of Eskdale in the County of Cumberland – Walter Russell Rea (died 26 May 1948)
4 June 1937 (H)L. Chatfield of Ditchling in the County of Sussex – Alfred Ernle Montacute Chatfield (died 15 Nov 1967, extinct(2) 30 Sep 2007)
7 June 1937 (H)L. Cadman of Silverdale in the County of Stafford – John Cadman (died 31 May 1941)
8 June 1937 (H)E. Baldwin of Bewdley (& V. Corvedale of Corvedale in the County of Salop) – Stanley Baldwin (died 14 Dec 1947)
8 June 1937 (H)V. Samuel of Mount Carmel and Toxteth in the City of Liverpool – Herbert Louis Samuel (died 5 Feb 1963)
8 June 1937 (H)L. Marchwood of Penang and of Marchwood in the County of Southampton – Frederick George Penny (died 1 Jan 1955)
9 June 1937 (H)V. Horne of Slamannan of Slamannan in the County of Stirling – Robert Stevenson Horne (extinct(1) 3 Sep 1940)
10 June 1937 (H)V. Runciman of Doxford of Doxford in the County of Northumberland – Walter Runciman (died 14 Nov 1949)
10 June 1937 (H)L. Kenilworth of Kenilworth in the County of Warwick – John Davenport Siddeley (died 3 Nov 1953)
11 June 1937 (H)V. Davidson of Little Gaddesden in the County of Hertford – John Colin Campbell Davidson (died 11 Dec 1970)
11 June 1937 (H)L. Southwood of Fernhurst in the County of Sussex – Julius Salter Elias (extinct(1) 10 April 1946)
12 June 1937 (H)L. Pender of Porthcurnow in the County of Cornwall – John Cuthbert Denison-Pender (died 4 Dec 1949)
5 Jan 1938 (A)L. Romer of New Romney in the County of Kent – Mark Lemon Romer (died 19 Aug 1944)
24 Jan 1938 (P)V. Nuffield of Nuffield in the County of Oxford – William Richard Morris (1st L. Nuffield) (extinct(1) 22 Aug 1963)
24 Jan 1938 (H)L. Roborough of Maristow in the County of Devon – Henry Yarde Buller Lopes (died 14 April 1938)
25 Jan 1938 (H)L. Birdwood of Anzac and of Totnes in the County of Devon – William Riddell Birdwood (died 17 May 1951, extinct(3) 11 July 2015)
26 Jan 1938 (H)L. Brassey of Apethorpe of Apethorpe in the County of Northampton – Henry Leonard Campbell Brassey (died 22 Oct 1958)
27 Jan 1938 (H)L. Belstead of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk – Francis John Childs Ganzoni (died 15 Aug 1958, extinct(2) 3 Dec 2005)
28 Jan 1938 (H)L. Perry of Stock Harvard in the County of Essex – Percival Lea Dewhurst Perry (extinct(1) 17 June 1956)
28 March 1938 (A)L. Porter of Longfield in the County of Tyrone – Samuel Lowry Porter (died 13 Feb 1956)
25 June 1938 (P)V. Weir of Eastwood in the County of Renfrew – William Douglas Weir (1st L. Weir) (died 2 July 1959)
27 June 1938 (P)V. Stonehaven of Ury in the County of Kincardine – John Lawrence Baird (1st L. Stonehaven) (died 20 Aug 1941)
28 June 1938 (H)L. Stamp of Shortlands in the County of Kent – Josiah Charles Stamp (died 16 April 1941)
29 June 1938 (H)L. Bicester of Tusmore in the County of Oxford – Vivian Hugh Smith (died 17 Feb 1956)
1 Feb 1939 (H)L. Fairfield of Caldy in the County Palatine of Chester – Frederick Arthur Greer (extinct(1) 4 Feb 1945)
2 Feb 1939 (H)L. Milford of Llanstephan in the County of Radnor – Laurence Richard Philipps (died 7 Dec 1962)
3 Feb 1939 (H)L. Hankey of The Chart in the County of Surrey – Maurice Paschal Alers Hankey (died 25 Jan 1963)
4 Feb 1939 (H)L. Harmsworth of Egham in the County of Surrey – Cecil Bisshopp Harmsworth (died 13 Aug 1948)
4 July 1939 (H)L. Brooke of Oakley of Oakley in the County of Northampton – Arthur Richard de Capell Brooke (extinct(1) 17 Nov 1944)
5 July 1939 (H)L. Rotherwick of Tylney in the County of Southampton – Herbert Robin Cayzer (died 17 March 1958)
6 July 1939 (H)L. Ennisdale of Grateley in the County of Southampton – Henry Edward Lyons (extinct(1) 17 Aug 1963)
7 July 1939 (H)L. Woolton of Liverpool in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Frederick James Marquis (died 14 Dec 1964)
8 July 1939 (H)L. Glentoran of Ballyalloly in the County of Down – Herbert Dixon (died 20 July 1950)
6 Sep 1939 (H)V. Caldecote of Bristol in the County of Gloucester – Thomas Walker Hobart Inskip (died 11 Oct 1947)
22 Sep 1939 (P)V. Maugham of Hartfield in the County of Sussex – Frederic Herbert Maugham (L. Maugham) (died 23 March 1958, extinct(2) 13 March 1981)
18 April 1940 (H)L. Tryon of Durnford in the County of Wilts – George Clement Tryon (died 24 Nov 1940)
20 May 1940 (H)V. Simon of Stackpole Elidor in the County of Pembroke – John Allsebrook Simon (died 11 Jan 1954, extinct(3) 15 Aug 2021)
28 May 1940 (H)L. Croft of Bournemouth in the County of Southampton – Henry Page Croft (died 7 Dec 1947)
26 June 1940 (H)L. Abertay of Tullybelton in the County of Perth – Charles Coupar Barrie (extinct(1) 6 Dec 1940)
27 June 1940 (H)L. Teviot of Burghclere in the County of Southampton – Charles Iain Kerr (died 7 Jan 1968)
28 June 1940 (H)L. Nathan of Churt in the County of Surrey – Harry Louis Nathan (died 23 Oct 1963)
21 Oct 1940 (H)L. Reith of Stonehaven in the County of Kincardine – John Charles Walsham Reith (died 16 June 1971)
28 Oct 1940 (P)V. Hewart of Bury in the County of Lancaster – Gordon Hewart (1st L. Hewart) (died 5 May 1943, extinct(2) 23 July 1964)
20 Jan 1941 (P)V. Camrose of Hackwood Park in the County of Southampton – William Ewert Berry (1st L. Camrose) (died 15 June 1954)
25 Jan 1941 (H)L. Quickswood of Clothall in the County of Hertford – Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil (extinct(1) 10 Dec 1956)
27 Jan 1941 (H)L. Merriman of Knutdford in the County Palatine of Chester – Frank Boyd Merriman (extinct(1) 18 Jan 1962)
28 Jan 1941 (H)L. Kindersley of West Hoathly in the County of Sussex – Robert Molesworth Kindersley (died 20 July 1954)
29 Jan 1941 (H)L. Ironside of Archangel and Ironside in the County of Aberdeen – William Edmund Ironside (died 22 Sep 1959)
19 May 1941 (H)L. Leathers of Purfleet in the County of Essex – Frederick James Leathers (died 18 March 1965)
3 July 1941 (H)L. Vansittart of Denham in the County of Buckingham – Robert Gilbert Vansittart (extinct(1) 14 Feb 1957)
4 July 1941 (H)L. Cherwell of Oxford in the County of Oxford – Frederick Alexander Lindemann (extinct(1) 3 July 1957)
16 July 1941 (H)V. Bennett of Mickleham in the County of Surrey and of Calgary and Hopewell in the Dominion of Canada – Richard Bedford Bennett (extinct(1) 27 June 1947)
16 July 1941 (H)L. Greene of Holmbury St Mary in the County of Surrey – Wilfred Arthur Greene (extinct(1) 16 April 1952)
6 Aug 1941 (H)L. Soulbury of Soulbury in the County of Buckingham – Herwald Ramsbotham (died 31 Jan 1971)
14 Aug 1941 (H)L. Sherwood of Calverton in the County of Nottingham – Hugh Michael Seely (extinct(1) 1 April 1970)
12 Jan 1942 (H)V. Stansgate of Stansgate in the County of Essex – William Wedgwood Benn (died 17 Nov 1960)
16 Jan 1942 (H)L. Latham of Hendon in the County of Middlesex – Charles Latham (died 31 March 1970)
21 Jan 1942 (H)L. Wedgwood of Barlaston in the County of Stafford – Josiah Clement Wedgwood (died 26 July 1943)
28 Jan 1942 (H)L. Geddes of Rolvenden in the County of Kent – Auckland Campbell Geddes (died 8 Jan 1954)
4 Feb 1942 (H)L. Winster of Witherslack in the County of Westmorland – Reginald Thomas Herbert Fletcher (extinct(1) 7 June 1961)
20 Feb 1942 (H)L. Clauson of Hawkshead in the County of Hertford – Albert Charles Clauson (extinct(1) 15 March 1946)
9 March 1942 (H)L. Bruntisfield of Boroughmuir in the City of Edinburgh – Victor Alexander George Anthony Warrender (died 14 Jan 1993)
2 April 1942 (H)L. Lang of Lambeth of Lambeth in the County of Surrey – Cosmo Gordon Lang (extinct(1) 5 Dec 1945)
27 April 1942 (H)V. Margesson of Rugby in the County of Warwick – Henry David Margesson (died 24 Dec 1965)
27 April 1942 (H)L. Brabazon of Tara of Sandwich in the County of Kent – John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon (died 17 May 1964)
6 July 1942 (H)L. Keynes of Tilton in the County of Sussex – John Maynard Keynes (extinct(1) 21 April 1946)
22 Jan 1943 (H)L. Keyes of Zeebrugge and of Dover in the County of Kent – Roger John Brownlow Keyes (died 26 Dec 1945)
1 Feb 1943 (H)L. Hemingford of Watford in the County of Hertford – Dennis Henry Herbert (died 10 Dec 1947)
8 March 1943 (H)L. Moran of Manton in the County of Wilts – Charles McMoran Wilson (died 12 April 1977)
3 May 1943 (H)Vss Daventry of Daventry in the County of Northampton – Muriel FitzRoy (died 8 July 1962)
17 May 1943 (H)L. Killearn of Killearn in the County of Stirling – Miles Wedderburn Lampson (died 18 Sep 1964)
5 July 1943 (H)L. Dowding of Bentley Priory in the County of Middlesex – Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding (died 15 Feb 1970)
22 July 1943 (H)V. Wavell of Cyrenaica and of Winchester in the County of Southampton – Archibald Percival Wavell (died 24 May 1950, extinct(2) 24 Dec 1953)
27 Jan 1944 (H)L. Gretton of Stapleford in the County of Leicester – John Gretton (died 2 June 1947)
28 Jan 1944 (H)L. Royden of Frankby in the County Palatine of Chester – Thomas Royden (extinct(1) 6 Nov 1950)
29 Jan 1944 (H)L. Westwood of Gosforth in the County of Northumberland – William Westwood (died 13 Sep 1953)
31 Jan 1944 (H)L. Ammon of Camberwell in the County of Surrey – Charles George Ammon (extinct(1) 2 April 1960)
1 Feb 1944 (H)L. Courtauld-Thomson of Dorneywood in the County of Buckingham – Courtauld Greenwood Courtauld-Thomson (extinct(1) 1 Nov 1954)
18 April 1944 (A)L. Simonds of Sparsholt in the County of Southampton – Gavin Turnbull Simonds (died 28 June 1971)
26 June 1944 (H)L. Schuster of Cerne in the County of Dorset – Claud Schuster (extinct(1) 28 June 1956)
11 July 1944 (P)E. of Halifax – Edward Frederick Lindley Wood (3rd V. Halifax) (died 23 Dec 1959)
14 July 1944 (H)V. Templewood of Chelsea in the County of Middlesex – Samuel John Gurney Hoare (extinct(1) 7 May 1959)
19 July 1944 (A)L. Goddard of Aldbourne in the County of Wilts – Rayner Goddard (died 29 May 1971)
13 Oct 1944 (H)L. Norman of St Clere in the County of Kent – Montagu Collet Norman (extinct(1) 4 Feb 1950)
8 Jan 1945 (P)E. of Gowrie (& V. Ruthven of Canberra of Dirleton in the County of East Lothian) – Alexander Gore Arkwright Hore-Ruthven (1st L. Gowrie) (died 2 May 1955)
1 Feb 1945 (P)V. Portal of Laverstoke in the County of Southampton – Wyndham Raymond Portal (1st L. Portal) (extinct(1) 6 May 1949)
12 Feb 1945 (H)E. Lloyd-George of Dwyfor (& V. Gwynedd of Dwyfor in the County of Caernarvon) – David Lloyd-George (died 26 March 1945)
12 Feb 1945 (H)L. Hazlerigg of Noseley in the County of Leicester – Arthur Grey Hazlerigg (died 25 May 1949)
2 July 1945 (P)V. Addison of Stallingborough in the County of Lincoln – Christopher Addison (1st L. Addison) (died 11 Dec 1951)
2 July 1945 (H)L. Hacking of Chorley in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Douglas Hewitt Hacking (died 29 July 1950)
3 July 1945 (H)L. Courthope of Whitligh in the County of Sussex – George Loyd Courthope (extinct(1) 2 Sep 1955)
5 July 1945 (H)L. Balfour of Inchrye of Shefford in the County of Berks – Harold Harington Balfour (died 21 Sep 1988, extinct(2) 14 April 2013)
6 July 1945 (H)L. Jackson of Glewstone in the County of Hereford – William Frederick Jackson (extinct(1) 2 May 1954)
7 July 1945 (H)L. Quibell of Scunthorpe in the County of Lincoln – David John Kinsley Quibell (extinct(1) 16 April 1962)
9 July 1945 (H)L. Walkden of Great Bookham in the County of Surrey – Alexander George Walkden (extinct(1) 25 April 1951)
10 July 1945 (H)L. Chetwode of Chetwode in the County of Buckingham – Philip Walhouse Chetwode (died 6 July 1950)
11 July 1945 (H)L. Cope of St Mellons in the County of Monmouth – William Cope (extinct(1) 15 July 1946)
12 July 1945 (H)L. Ramsden of Birkenshaw in the West Riding of the County of York – Eugene Joseph Squire Hargreaves Ramsden (extinct(1) 9 Aug 1955)
13 July 1945 (H)L. Chattisham of Clitheroe in the County Palatine of Lancaster – William Brass (extinct(1) 24 Aug 1945)
14 July 1945 (H)L. Sandford of Banbury in the County of Oxford – Albert James Edmondson (died 16 May 1959)
23 July 1945 (H)V. Lambert of South Molton in the County of Devon – George Lambert (died 17 Feb 1958, extinct(3) 22 Oct 1999)
1 Aug 1945 (H)L. Altrincham of Tormerton in the County of Gloucester – Edward William Macleay Grigg (died 1 Dec 1955)
2 Aug 1945 (H)L. Jowitt of Stevenage in the County of Hertford – William Allen Jowitt (extinct(1) 16 Aug 1957)
16 Aug 1945 (H)L. Pethick-Lawrence of Peaslake in the County of Surrey – Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence (extinct(1) 17 Sep 1961)
12 Sep 1945 (P)V. Kemsley of Dropmore in the County of Buckingham – James Gomer Berry (1st L. Kemsley) (died 6 Feb 1968)
12 Sep 1945 (H)L. Llewellin of Upton in the County of Dorset – John Jestyn Llewellin (extinct(1) 24 Jan 1957)
13 Sep 1945 (P)V. Marchwood of Penang and of Marchwood in the County of Southampton – Frederick George Penny (1st L. Marchwood) (died 1 Jan 1955)
13 Sep 1945 (H)L. Lyle of Westbourne of Canford Cliffs in the County of Dorset – Charles Ernest Leonard Lyle (died 6 March 1954, extinct(2) 1 Aug 1976)
14 Sep 1945 (H)L. Broadbridge of Brighton in the County of Sussex – George Thomas Broadbridge (died 17 April 1952)
15 Sep 1945 (H)L. Cunningham of Hyndhope of Kirkhope in the County of Selkirk – Andrew Browne Cunningham (extinct(1) 12 June 1963)
17 Sep 1945 (H)L. Portal of Hungerford of Hungerford in the County of Berks (special remainder) – Charles Frederick Algernon Portal (died 22 April 1971, extinct(2) 29 Sep 1990)
18 Sep 1945 (H)L. Alanbrooke of Brookeborough in the County of Fermanagh – Alan Francis Brooke (died 17 June 1963, extinct(3) 10 Jan 2018)
19 Sep 1945 (H)L. Broughshane of Kensington in the County of London – William Henry Davison (died 19 Jan 1953, extinct(3) 24 March 2006)
12 Oct 1945 (H)L. Pakenham of Cowley in the City of Oxford – Francis Aungier Pakenham (died 3 Aug 2001)
19 Oct 1945 (H)L. Henderson of Westgate in the City and County of Newcastle upon Tyne – William Watson Henderson (extinct(1) 4 April 1984)
12 Nov 1945 (H)L. Mountevans of Chelsea in the County of London – Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans (died 20 Aug 1957)
13 Nov 1945 (H)L. Lindsay of Birker of Low Ground in the County of Cumberland – Alexander Dunlop Lindsay (died 18 March 1952)
14 Nov 1945 (H)L. Piercy of Burford in the County of Oxford – William Piercy (died 7 July 1966)
15 Nov 1945 (H)L. Morrison of Tottenham in the County of Middlesex – Robert Craigmyle Morrison (died 25 Dec 1953, extinct(2) 28 Oct 1997)
16 Nov 1945 (H)L. Chorley of Kendal in the County of Westmorland – Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (died 27 Jan 1978)
17 Nov 1945 (H)L. Calverley of the City of Bradford in the West Riding of the County of York – George Muff (died 20 Sep 1955)
1 Dec 1945 (H)L. Rusholme of Rusholme in the City of Manchester – Robert Alexander Palmer (extinct(1) 18 Aug 1977)
9 Jan 1946 (A)L. Uthwatt of Lathbury in the County of Buckingham – Augustus Andrewes Uthwatt (died 24 April 1949)
23 Jan 1946 (H)L. Tedder of Glenguin in the County of Stirling – Arthur William Tedder (died 3 June 1967)
25 Jan 1946 (P)V. Southwood of Fernhurst in the County of Sussex – Julius Salter Elias (1st L. Southwood) (extinct(1) 10 April 1946)
26 Jan 1946 (P)V. Cunningham of Hyndhope of Kirkhope in the County of Selkirk – Andrew Browne Cunningham (1st L. Cunningham of Hyndhope) (extinct(1) 12 June 1963)
28 Jan 1946 (P)V. Portal of Hungerford of Hungerford in the County of Berks – Charles Frederick Algernon Portal (1st L. Portal of Hungerford) (extinct(1) 22 April 1971)
28 Jan 1946 (H)L. Colgrain of Everlands in the County of Kent – Colin Frederick Campbell (died 3 Nov 1954)
29 Jan 1946 (P)V. Alanbrooke of Brookeborough in the County of Fermanagh – Alan Francis Brooke (1st L. Alanbrooke) (died 17 June 1963, extinct(3) 10 Jan 2018)
30 Jan 1946 (H)L. Inman of Knaresborough in the West Riding of the County of York – Philip Albert Inman (extinct(1) 26 Aug 1979)
31 Jan 1946 (H)V. Montgomery of Alamein of Hindhead in the County of Surrey – Bernard Law Montgomery (died 24 March 1976)
5 Feb 1946 (A)L. du Parcq of Grouville in the Island of Jersey – Herbert du Parcq (died 27 April 1949)
8 Feb 1946 (H:I)V. Gort of Hamsterley in the County of Durham – John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker (6th V. Gort (I)) (extinct(1) 31 March 1946)
11 Feb 1946 (H)L. Tovey of Langton Matravers in the County of Dorset – John Cronyn Tovey (extinct(1) 12 Jan 1971)
12 Feb 1946 (H)L. Darwen of Heys-in-Bowland in the West Riding of the County of York – John Percival Davies (died 26 Dec 1950)
1 March 1946 (H)V. Alexander of Tunis of Errigal in the County of Donegal – Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander (died 16 June 1969)
12 March 1946 (H)L. Wilson of Libya and of Stowlangtoft in the County of Suffolk – Henry Maitland Wilson (died 31 Dec 1964, extinct(2) 1 Feb 2009)
5 April 1946 (H)L. Inverchapel of Loch Eck in the County of Argyll – Archibald John Kerr Clark Kerr (extinct(1) 5 July 1951)
25 June 1946 (H)L. Beveridge of Tuggal in the County of Northumberland – William Henry Beveridge (extinct(1) 16 March 1963)
26 June 1946 (H)L. Uvedale of North End of North End in the County of Middlesex – Ambrose Edgar Woodall (extinct(1) 28 Feb 1974)
27 June 1946 (H)L. Lucas of Chilworth of Chilworth in the County of Southampton – George William Lucas (died 11 Oct 1967)
28 June 1946 (H)L. Shepherd of Spalding in the County of Lincoln – George Robert Shepherd (died 4 Dec 1954)
16 July 1946 (H)L. Citrine of Wembley in the County of Middlesex – Walter McLennan Citrine (died 22 Jan 1983, extinct(3) 5 Aug 2006)
17 July 1946 (H)L. Brand of Eydon in the County of Northampton – Robert Henry Brand (extinct(1) 23 Aug 1963)
18 July 1946 (H)L. Newall of Clifton-upon-Dunsmoor in the County of Warwick – Cyril Louis Norton Newall (died 30 Nov 1963)
23 Aug 1946 (H)V. Mountbatten of Burma of Romsey in the County of Southampton (special remainder) – Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (died 27 Aug 1979)
19 Sep 1946 (H)L. Fraser of North Cape of Molesey in the County of Surrey – Bruce Austin Fraser (extinct(1) 12 Feb 1981)
28 Oct 1946 (H)V. Hall of Cynon Valley in the County of Glamorgan – George Henry Hall (died 8 Nov 1965, extinct(2) 24 July 1985)
6 Jan 1947 (A)L. Normand of Aberdour in the County of Fife – Wilfrid Guild Normand (died 5 Oct 1962)
13 Jan 1947 (H)L. Oaksey of Oaksey in the County of Wilts – Geoffrey Lawrence (died 28 Aug 1971)
14 Jan 1947 (H)L. Ismay of Wormington in the County of Gloucester – Hastings Lionel Ismay (extinct(1) 17 Dec 1965)
15 Jan 1947 (H)L. Rugby of Rugby in the County of Warwick – John Loader Maffey (died 20 April 1969)
16 Jan 1947 (H)L. Layton of Danehill in the County of Sussex – Walter Thomas Layton (died 14 Feb 1966)
17 Jan 1947 (H)L. Simon of Wythenshawe of Didsbury in the City of Manchester – Ernest Darwin Simon (died 3 Oct 1960)
20 Jan 1947 (P)V. Jowitt of Stevenage in the County of Hertford – William Allen Jowitt (1st L. Jowitt) (extinct(1) 16 Aug 1957)
20 Jan 1947 (H)L. Kershaw of Prestwich in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Fred Kershaw (died 5 Feb 1961)
21 Jan 1947 (H)L. Trefgarne of Cleddau in the County of Pembroke – George Morgan Garro-Jones (died 27 Sep 1960)
18 March 1947 (H)V. Bruce of Melbourne of Westminster Gardens in the City of Westminster – Stanley Melbourne Bruce (extinct(1) 25 Aug 1967)
1 April 1947 (H)L. Dukeston of Warrington in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Charles Dukes (extinct(1) 14 May 1948)
18 April 1947 (A)L. Morton of Henryton of Henryton in the County of Ayr – Fergus Dunlop Morton (died 18 July 1973)
23 April 1947 (A)L. MacDermott of Belmont in the City of Belfast – John Clarke MacDermott (died 13 July 1979)
1 May 1947 (P)E. Wavell (& V. Keren of Eritrea and of Winchester in the County of Southampton) – Archibald Percival Wavell (1st V. Wavell) (died 24 May 1950, extinct(2) 24 Dec 1953)
3 July 1947 (H)L. Crook of Carshalton in the County of Surrey – Reginald Douglas Crook (died 10 March 1989)
15 July 1947 (H)L. Robinson of Kielder Forest in the County of Northumberland and of Adelaide in the Commonwealth of Australia – Roy Lister Robinson (extinct(1) 5 Sep 1952)
16 July 1947 (H)L. Amwell of Islington in the County of London – Frederick Montague (died 15 Oct 1966)
9 Oct 1947 (H)L. Milverton of Lagos and of Clifton in the City of Bristol – Arthur Frederick Richards (died 27 Oct 1978)
18 Oct 1947 (P)E. Mountbatten of Burma (& L. Romsey of Romsey in the County of Southampton) (special remainder) – Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten (1st V. Mountbatten of Burma) (died 27 Aug 1979)
20 Nov 1947 (H)D. of Edinburgh (& E. of Merioneth & L. Greenwich of Greenwich in the County of London) – Philip Mountbatten (died 9 April 2021, merged in Crown 8 Sep 2022)
2 Feb 1948 (P)V. Hyndley of Meads in the County of Sussex – John Scott Hindley (1st L. Hyndley) (extinct(1) 5 Jan 1963)
6 Feb 1948 (H)L. Mackintosh of Halifax of Hethersett in the County of Norfolk – Harold Vincent Mackintosh (died 27 Dec 1964)
7 Feb 1948 (H)L. Douglas of Kirtleside of Dornock in the County of Dumfries – William Sholto Douglas (extinct(1) 30 Oct 1969)
9 Feb 1948 (H)L. Braintree of Braintree in the County of Essex – Valentine George Crittall (extinct(1) 21 May 1961)
26 Feb 1948 (H)L. Clydesmuir of Braidwood in the County of Lanark – David John Colville (died 31 Oct 1954)
22 June 1948 (H)L. Webb-Johnson of Stoke-on-Trent in the County of Stafford – Alfred Edward Webb-Johnson (extinct(1) 28 May 1958)
23 June 1948 (H)L. Maenan of Ellesmere in the County of Salop – William Francis Kyffin Taylor (extinct(1) 22 Sep 1951)
24 June 1948 (H)L. Williams of Ynyshir in the County of Glamorgan – Thomas Edward Williams (extinct(1) 18 Feb 1966)
6 Oct 1948 (A)L. Reid of Drem in the County of East Lothian – James Scott Cumberland Reid (died 29 March 1975)
16 Feb 1949 (H)L. Adams of Ennerdale in the County of Cumberland – John Jackson Adams (extinct(1) 23 Aug 1960)
9 March 1949 (H)L. Boyd-Orr of Brechin Mearn in the County of Angus – John Boyd-Orr (extinct(1) 25 June 1971)
13 April 1949 (H)L. Macdonald of Gwaenysgor of Gwaenysgor in the County of Flint – Gordon Macdonald (died 20 Jan 1966, extinct(2) 27 Jan 2002)
1 June 1949 (A)L. Radcliffe of Werneth in the County Palatine of Lancaster – Cyril John Radcliffe (died 1 April 1977)
21 June 1949 (H)L. Badeley of Badley in the County of Suffolk – Henry John Fanshawe Badeley (extinct(1) 27 Sep 1951)
7 July 1949 (H)L. Dugan of Victoria of Lurgan in the County of Armagh – Winston Joseph Dugan (extinct(1) 17 Aug 1951)
12 July 1949 (H)L. Archibald of Woodside in the City of Glasgow – George Archibald (died 25 Feb 1975, extinct(2) 27 Feb 1996)
27 Jan 1950 (H)V. Alexander of Hillsborough of Hillsborough in the City of Sheffield – Albert Victor Alexander (extinct(1) 11 Jan 1965)
30 Jan 1950 (H)L. Wilmot of Selmeston of Selmeston in the County of Sussex – John Wilmot (extinct(1) 22 July 1964)
31 Jan 1950 (H)L. Bilsland of Kinrara in the County of Inverness – Alexander Steven Bilsland (extinct(1) 10 Dec 1970)
1 Feb 1950 (H)L. Burden of Hazlebarrow in the County of Derby – Thomas William Burden (died 27 May 1970)
2 Feb 1950 (H)L. Haden-Guest of Saling in the County of Essex – Leslie Haden Haden-Guest (died 20 Aug 1960)
3 Feb 1950 (H)L. Henderson of Ardwick of Morton Park in the City of Carlisle – Joseph Henderson (extinct(1) 26 Feb 1950)
17 March 1950 (H)L. Lawson of Beamish in the County of Durham – John James Lawson (extinct(1) 3 Aug 1965)
11 April 1950 (H)L. Douglas of Barloch of Maxfield in the County of Sussex – Francis Campbell Ross Douglas (extinct(1) 31 March 1980)
4 July 1950 (H)L. Silkin of Dulwich in the County of London – Lewis Silkin (died 11 May 1972)
5 July 1950 (H)L. Hurcomb of Campden Hill in the Royal Borough of Kensington – Cyril William Hurcomb (extinct(1) 7 Aug 1975)
6 July 1950 (H)L. Campion of Bowes in the County of Surrey – Gilbert Francis Montriou Campion (extinct(1) 6 April 1958)
7 July 1950 (H)L. Hives of Duffield in the County of Derby – Ernest Walter Hives (died 24 April 1965)
8 July 1950 (H)L. Greenhill of Townhead in the City of Glasgow – Ernest Greenhill (died 18 Feb 1967, extinct(3) 13 Jan 2020)
10 July 1950 (H)L. Ogmore of Bridgend in the County of Glamorgan – David Rees Rees-Williams (died 30 Aug 1976)
11 July 1950 (H)L. Morris of Kenwood of Kenwood in the City of Sheffield – Harry Morris (died 1 July 1954)
29 Sep 1950 (A)L. Tucker of Great Bookham in the County of Surrey – Frederick James Tucker (died 17 Nov 1975)

Last updated: 23 July 2024.

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